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Is Specifying `_blank` as the Target in `` Redundant?

In JavaScript, the function is commonly used to open a new browser window or tab. According to the w3schools documentation, the default value for the target parameter of is _blank. This has led me to question whether explicitly setting target="_blank" when calling offers any practical benefits or if it is merely redundant.

From what I gather, omitting the target or setting it to _blank should theoretically yield the same outcome—a new tab or window. However, are there any edge cases or browser-specific behaviors that might make explicitly specifying _blank advantageous or necessary? For instance, could there be differences in how browsers handle security, user settings, or pop-up blocking when _blank is explicitly set?

I'm looking for insights into whether there are functional, security, or compatibility reasons to explicitly include _blank in the call, especially given the evolution of browser standards and practices.


  • It makes no difference to what happens. The window specification defines the target parameter as being a string with a default value of "_blank":

    WindowProxy? open(optional USVString url = "", optional DOMString target = "_blank", optional [LegacyNullToEmptyString] DOMString features = ""); getter object (DOMString name);

    (My emphasis.)

    So not providing it at all or providing "_blank" does the same thing. It's up to you whether including it is in some way clearer (or alternatively, unnecessary clutter).