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Bookmark whose URL is loaded from the site

There is a website that has a certain button, the href of which changes every week. I need a bookmark that will redirect me to the URL in this href.

I tried to use a Bookmarklet, but it doesn't seem to work, as I need the page to load completely at the time the JavaScript code is executed.

Here's what i have:

    window.location.href = "";
    window.location.href = Array.from(document.querySelectorAll('a')).find(element => element.href.includes('gruppa_42148')).href 

I tried to wait for the website to load:

    window.location.href = "";
    window.addEventListener('load', function () { window.location.href = Array.from(document.querySelectorAll('a')).find(element => element.href.includes('gruppa_42148')).href })

But it's not working. As i understand, this is simply not possible with a bookmarklet, you can not run a script in one page, then go to another and try to get the content of this page in order to continue executing something in the script.

I was also thinking about writing a script in Tampermonkey that will run only when I go to this site from a certain bookmark, but again I have no idea how to do this.


  • There is actually a link on this page that seems to be a server redirect link to the calendar page: > >

    You can also do what you want with tampermonkey:

    // ==UserScript==
    // @name         bookmark
    // @namespace
    // @version      2024-09-04
    // @description  .
    // @author       You
    // @match
    // @icon
    // @grant        none
    // ==/UserScript==
    if (location.hash === '#bookmark'){
        const a = document.querySelector('a[href*=gruppa_42148]');
        a && location.replace(a.href);

    this will only redirect if the url includes the hash #bookmark.

    and use this as the bookmark url: