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using STL smart pointers with COM interfaces

I am trying to using the standard C++ library smart pointers with a library which uses MS COM for most of its function (I must say I am not well-versed with COM). So, I have the following custom deleter for my unique_ptr

struct COMDeleter {
    template<typename T> void operator()(T* ptr) {
        if (ptr) ptr->Release();

In the sample code, we have something like:

class MyClass
    MyClass(IDeckLink * device) 
      : m_deckLink(device)

        if (m_deckLink != NULL)
            m_deckLink = NULL;

    IDeckLink * m_deckLink;

This could be replaced with:

class MyClass
    MyClass(IDeckLink * device) 
    std::unique_ptr<IDeckLink, COMDeleter>  m_deckLink;

Now, I have another interface called IDeckLinkInput which I would like to wrap in a similar way but the way this is initialized is different as follows:

IDeckLinkInput* m_deckLinkInput = NULL;
if (m_deckLink->QueryInterface(IID_IDeckLinkInput, (void**) &m_deckLinkInput) != S_OK)
        return false;

So, if I have a smart-pointer like:

std::unique_ptr<IDeckLinkInput, COMDeleter> m_deckLinkInput(nullptr);

I am not sure how I can use it with initialisation function like the above? Can it even be done or should i just stick to old style C++?


  • Something like this:

    template<class U, class T>
    std::unique_ptr<U, COMDeleter>
    upComInterface( GUID guid, T const& src ) {
      if (!src) return {};
      T* r = nullptr;
      if (src->QueryInterface( guid, (void**)&r) != S_OK)
        return {};
      return {r, {}};

    then we:

    auto deckLink = upComInterface<IDeckLinkInput>( IID_IDeckLinkInput, deckLink );

    There is a minor DRY violation here -- the link between IDeckLinkInput and IID_IDeckLinkInput has to be repeated each time you do this, and getting it wrong leads to undefined behavior.

    We can fix this via a number of mechanisms. Personally, I'd go with a tag dispatch type:

    namespace MyComHelpers {
      template<class T> struct com_tag_t {using type=T; constexpr com_tag_t(){};};
      template<class T> constexpr com_tag_t<T> com_tag{};
      template<class T>
      constexpr void get_com_guid( com_tag_t<T> ) = delete; // overload this for your particular types
      template<class T>
      constexpr GUID interface_guid = get_com_guid( com_tag<T> );

    Now we can associate the type with a guid. In the namespace of IDeckLinkInput do this:

    constexpr GUID get_com_guid( MyComHelpers::com_tag_t<IDeckLinkInput> ) {
      // constexpr code that returns the GUID

    we then rewrite the get interface function:

    std::unique_ptr<U, COMDeleter>
    com_cast( T const& src ) {
      if (!src) return {};
      T* r = nullptr;
      if (src->QueryInterface( MyComHelpers::interface_guid<T>, (void**)&r) != S_OK)
        return {};
      return {r, {}};

    and use becomes:

    auto declLink = com_cast<IDeckLinkInput>(m_deckLinkInput);

    There are many ways to associate the type with the guid, including traits classes. The constexpr ADL-based lookup function and variable template is just one way.

    Code not tested.