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SQL Select birthdays in specific date range

I have following:

 [Id] [int],
 [FirstName] [varchar](40) NULL,
 [Birthdate] [date] NULL

insert into @TempTable values (1, 'A', convert(date, '05/25/2017', 101))
insert into @TempTable values (2, 'B', convert(date, '06/25/2017', 101))

What I need is query which will return all Birthdays in range from StartDate to to EndDate.

To be more here is what I expect to get as a result:

Case 1: If date range is set to:

DECLARE @StartDate datetime = '05/01/2017'; 
DECLARE @EndDate datetime = '07/01/2017';

Query should return:

1 A 2017-05-25
2 B 2017-06-25

Case 2: If date range is set to:

DECLARE @StartDate datetime = '05/01/2017'; 
DECLARE @EndDate datetime = '06/01/2017';

Query should return:

1 A 2017-05-25

Case 3: If date range is set to:

DECLARE @StartDate datetime = '05/01/2015'; 
DECLARE @EndDate datetime = '07/01/2017';

Query should return:

1 A 2017-05-25
1 A 2016-05-25
1 A 2015-05-25
2 B 2017-06-25
2 B 2016-06-25
2 B 2015-06-25

Case 4: If date range is set to:

DECLARE @StartDate datetime = '05/01/2015'; 
DECLARE @EndDate datetime = '06/01/2017';

Query should return

1 A 2017-05-25
1 A 2016-05-25
1 A 2015-05-25
2 B 2016-06-25
2 B 2015-06-25


  • Firstly we creates all dates for given range . then apply logic

            DECLARE @StartDate datetime = '05/01/2015'; 
            DECLARE @EndDate datetime = '06/01/2017';
            ;With DateSequence  as
                Select @StartDate as Bdate
                union all
                Select dateadd(day, 1, Bdate)
                from DateSequence
               where Bdate < @EndDate
            Select ID,FirstName,Bdate as BirthDate from DateSequence 
            cross join @TempTable
            where Bdate between @StartDate and @EndDate and
            month(Bdate)= month(BirthDate) and day(Bdate) = day(BirthDate)
            order by ID asc , Bdate desc
            option (MaxRecursion 2000)

    OutPut :

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