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magento show navigation item by product count

In Magento category(Product list) page, categories and attribute options are showing at left sidebar. I want to sort these items by product counts.Please anyone can explain that in which file i have to write code ? Thanks


  • Try below code once. Change your category ID.

        $cats = Mage::getModel('catalog/category')->load(3)->getChildrenCategories();
        $resourcearray = array();
        foreach($cats as $category): 
        $proCnt = $category->getProductCount();
        $proName = $category->getName();
        $proUrl = $category->getUrl();
        array_push($resourcearray, array('count' => $proCnt, 'name' => $proName,'url' => $proUrl));
        <?php endforeach; 
        <?php foreach($resourcearray as $val): ?>
                <a href="<?php echo $val['url'] ?>"><?php echo $val['name'] ?>(<?php echo $val['count'] ?>)</a>
        <?php endforeach;?>