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Magento: post review as guest user

I'm working on an import/export Product Reviews script, and the export works just fine, except that it doesn't really export ID for guest users. But when I want to import products, I create a customer object, and I assign that customer ID to review I'm creating, but that doesn't work, and I assume it's because of customer ID(Magento doesn't really say what's wrong).

$_customer =  Mage::getModel('customer/customer')->load($_row['customer_id']);

where $_row is is a row from CSS file I'm loading. Now, here's where I create a review:

$_review = Mage::getModel('review/review')
                ->setEntityId(1) // review_entity: 1 - Product
                ->setCustomerId($_customer->getId()) //null is for administrator

So, my question would be, how to programmaticaly create a review as a guest user?


  • you are doing correct for customer review if you want to create review as a guest then you have to use below snippet.
