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Show Tax Amount but don't include in SubTotal & Grand Total

I need help regarding Magento 1.9.2, I want to show the Tax amount but don't want to include in SubTotal and in GrandTotal amount.

i have already play around with Tax Settings admin-->System-->Configuration-->Sales-->Tax-->Shopping Cart Display Settings

But still no Result. I have also visited similar question's post on this Forum or any other forums but all in vain.

Please have look at the image below

Image for More Clarification

Anyone, please help to purpose any solution.


  • I am still not sure what you want to achieve. Grand total = Subtotal + Tax. this is common logic.

    but whatever. Answer to your question is:

    You may manipulate renderer templates for totals. Located at app/design/frontend/base/default/template/tax/checkout (or in the Theme app/design/frontend/Your Theme/Path/template/tax/checkout)

    You can simply use this getter $this->getTotal()->getValueExclTax() in renderer template ../template/tax/checkout/grandtotal.phtml to get Grandtotal without Tax.