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report builder 2.0 count function

I am trying to customize a report for stock status in our warehouse. The current report does not total the number of pallets so I added a spot to count the number of movable units.

The problem is once an order is shipped out the line item still stays on the report but the qty available of pieces goes blank since nothing is there.

So I want to make it that I can Count the qty available if it is greater than 0 and I want to count 1 if it is less than 1 but I don't want it to count anything.

I have tried all sorts of combinations and can't get it right.

I think if I understand right that i need to do something like



  • IIF works like this: IIF(expression, true, false)

    So you want this:

    =SUM(IIF(Fields!SUMOFONHAND.Value > 0, 1, 0))