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PBI Report Matrix formatting - Values in Grand Total only

I have a report requirement and I am using PBI to visualize. The layout required is very similar to the Matrix visual. I am trying to report on Measure (SCADA Volume) by date on the columns. I want some additional measures to print ONLY FOR THE GRAND TOTAL, after all of the dates.

When I add these Measures to the Matrix Values, the measures are printed for every date. How can I apply formatting that will show those Measures only in the Grand Totals?

enter image description here

Solution Update

The "asymetrical columns" solution recommended (by David) was the answer. The solution is to create a Calculation Group with defined calculation for each individual column needed in the matrix.

My case required dynamic reference to trailing dates; That also required some calc columns on the 'Calendar' table to find the correct dates.

Building a Matrix with Asymmetrical Columns and Rows in Power BI - Excelerator BI

(127) REDUCE the # of measures with Calculation Groups In Power BI - YouTube

Solution Image - Report

Solution Image - Calculation Items

Calculation Items

  "InstanceID": "bae2764b-a0be-4411-82e1-d5c723ec9918",
  "calculationitems": [
  "name": "Wk 1: Sun",
  "expression": "CALCULATE (\n    SELECTEDMEASURE (),\n    ALL ( 'Calendar' ),\n    'Calendar'[WeekDayOffset_Id] = 11\n)",
  "ordinal": 8,
  "modifiedTime": "2022-06-08T13:44:04.866667",
  "formatStringDefinition": {
    "expression": "\"#,0\"",
    "modifiedTime": "2022-06-08T03:33:39.253333"
  "name": "Wk 1: Mon",
  "expression": "CALCULATE (\n    SELECTEDMEASURE (),\n    ALL ( 'Calendar' ),\n    'Calendar'[WeekDayOffset_Id] = 12\n)",
  "ordinal": 9,
  "modifiedTime": "2022-06-08T13:44:04.866667",
  "formatStringDefinition": {
    "expression": "\"#,0\"",
    "modifiedTime": "2022-06-08T03:33:39.253333"
  "name": "Wk 1: Tues",
  "expression": "CALCULATE (\n    SELECTEDMEASURE (),\n    ALL ( 'Calendar' ),\n    'Calendar'[WeekDayOffset_Id] = 13\n)",
  "ordinal": 10,
  "modifiedTime": "2022-06-08T13:44:04.866667",
  "formatStringDefinition": {
    "expression": "\"#,0\"",
    "modifiedTime": "2022-06-08T03:33:39.253333"
  "name": "Wk 1: Wed",
  "expression": "CALCULATE (\n    SELECTEDMEASURE (),\n    ALL ( 'Calendar' ),\n    'Calendar'[WeekDayOffset_Id] = 14\n)",
  "ordinal": 11,
  "modifiedTime": "2022-06-08T13:44:04.866667",
  "formatStringDefinition": {
    "expression": "\"#,0\"",
    "modifiedTime": "2022-06-08T03:33:39.253333"
  "name": "Wk 1: Thu",
  "expression": "CALCULATE (\n    SELECTEDMEASURE (),\n    ALL ( 'Calendar' ),\n    'Calendar'[WeekDayOffset_Id] = 15\n)",
  "ordinal": 12,
  "modifiedTime": "2022-06-08T13:44:04.866667",
  "formatStringDefinition": {
    "expression": "\"#,0\"",
    "modifiedTime": "2022-06-08T03:33:39.253333"
  "name": "Wk 1: Fri",
  "expression": "CALCULATE (\n    SELECTEDMEASURE (),\n    ALL ( 'Calendar' ),\n    'Calendar'[WeekDayOffset_Id] = 16\n)",
  "ordinal": 13,
  "modifiedTime": "2022-06-08T13:44:04.866667",
  "formatStringDefinition": {
    "expression": "\"#,0\"",
    "modifiedTime": "2022-06-08T03:33:39.253333"
  "name": "Wk 1: Sat",
  "expression": "CALCULATE (\n    SELECTEDMEASURE (),\n    ALL ( 'Calendar' ),\n    'Calendar'[WeekDayOffset_Id] = 17\n)",
  "ordinal": 14,
  "modifiedTime": "2022-06-08T13:44:04.866667",
  "formatStringDefinition": {
    "expression": "\"#,0\"",
    "modifiedTime": "2022-06-08T03:33:39.253333"
  "name": "TOTAL Wk1",
  "expression": "CALCULATE (\n    SELECTEDMEASURE (),\n    ALL ( 'Calendar' ),\n    'Calendar'[Weeks Back Offset] = 1\n)",
  "ordinal": 15,
  "modifiedTime": "2022-06-08T13:44:54.063333",
  "formatStringDefinition": {
    "expression": "\"#,0\"",
    "modifiedTime": "2022-06-08T03:33:39.253333"
  "name": "TOTAL: 2 wks",
  "expression": "CALCULATE (\n    SELECTEDMEASURE (),\n    ALL ( 'Calendar' ),\n    'Calendar'[Weeks Back Offset] >= 1\n        && 'Calendar'[Weeks Back Offset] <= 2\n)",
  "ordinal": 16,
  "modifiedTime": "2022-06-08T13:44:04.866667"
  "name": "7-day Avg",
  "expression": "VAR Vol_7dRolling =\n    CALCULATE (\n        SELECTEDMEASURE (),\n        DATESINPERIOD ( 'Calendar'[Date], MAX ( 'Calendar'[Date] ), -7, DAY )\n    )\nVAR Avg7d =\n    DIVIDE ( Vol_7dRolling, 7 )\nRETURN\n    Avg7d",
  "ordinal": 17,
  "modifiedTime": "2022-06-08T13:44:04.866667",
  "formatStringDefinition": {
    "expression": "\"#,0\"",
    "modifiedTime": "2022-06-08T03:33:39.253333"
  "name": "PW Avg",
  "expression": "VAR Vol_PW =\n    CALCULATE (\n        SELECTEDMEASURE (),\n        FILTER ( 'Calendar', 'Calendar'[Weeks Back Offset] = 2 )\n    )\nVAR Avg7dPW =\n    DIVIDE ( Vol_PW, 7 )\nRETURN\n    Avg7dPW",
  "ordinal": 18,
  "modifiedTime": "2022-06-08T21:56:11.783333",
  "formatStringDefinition": {
    "expression": "\"#,0\"",
    "modifiedTime": "2022-06-08T03:33:39.253333"
  "name": "% Δ PW",
  "expression": "VAR Vol_7dRolling =\n    CALCULATE (\n        SELECTEDMEASURE (),\n        DATESINPERIOD ( 'Calendar'[Date], MAX ( 'Calendar'[Date] ), -7, DAY )\n    )\nVAR Avg7d =\n    DIVIDE ( Vol_7dRolling, 7 ) \n// Prior Week\nVAR Vol_PW =\n    CALCULATE (\n        SELECTEDMEASURE (),\n        FILTER ( 'Calendar', 'Calendar'[Weeks Back Offset] = 2 )\n    )\nVAR Avg7dPW =\n    DIVIDE ( Vol_PW, 7 ) \n// Compare \nVAR ChangeDailyAvg = \n    ( Avg7d - Avg7dPW )\nVAR PctChangeDailyAvg = \n    DIVIDE(ChangeDailyAvg, Avg7d )\nRETURN\n    PctChangeDailyAvg",
  "ordinal": 19,
  "modifiedTime": "2022-06-08T22:03:06.576667",
  "formatStringDefinition": {
    "expression": "\"#,0.0%;-#,0.0%;#,0.0%\"",
    "modifiedTime": "2022-06-08T03:33:39.253333"
  "name": "* Week Roll",
  "description": "These are temp columns used for validation. BLANK() return value will exclude this calculated item",
  "expression": "VAR Vol_7dRolling =\n    CALCULATE (\n        SELECTEDMEASURE (),\n        DATESINPERIOD ( 'Calendar'[Date], MAX ( 'Calendar'[Date] ), -7, DAY )\n    )\nVAR Avg7d =\n    DIVIDE ( Vol_7dRolling, 7 )\nRETURN\n    // Vol_7dRolling\n    BLANK()",
  "ordinal": 20,
  "modifiedTime": "2022-06-08T22:05:29.33"
  "name": "* PW Roll",
  "description": "These are temp columns used for validation. BLANK() return value will exclude this calculated item",
  "expression": "VAR Vol_PW =\n    CALCULATE (\n        SELECTEDMEASURE (),\n        FILTER ( 'Calendar', 'Calendar'[Weeks Back Offset] = 2 )\n    )\nVAR Avg7dPW =\n    DIVIDE ( Vol_PW, 7 )\nRETURN\n    // Vol_PW\n    BLANK()",
  "ordinal": 21,
  "modifiedTime": "2022-06-08T22:05:29.33"

'Calendar' table field calculations

Calendar = 
    "DateKey", FORMAT([Date], "YYYY") & FORMAT([Date], "MM") & FORMAT([Date], "DD")
    , "Year", YEAR([Date])
    , "Mo", MONTH([Date]) 
    , "day", DAY([Date])
    , "DayName (short)", FORMAT([Date],"ddd") 
    , "DayNum", WEEKDAY([Date]) 
    , "Weeknum", WEEKNUM([Date],1)
    , "Mo Name", FORMAT([Date], "MMM")
    , "Mo-Yr", FORMAT([Date], "MMM") &"-"& FORMAT([Date],"YY")
    , "Mo_startDate", EOMONTH([Date],-1) + 1
    , "Yr_startDate", DATE(YEAR([Date]),1,1)
    , "Qtr", QUARTER([Date])
    , "Qtr Name", "Qtr " & FORMAT([Date], "Q")
    , "Yr Name", "YR " & FORMAT([Date], "YYYY")
    , "Mo_endDate", EOMONTH([Date],0) 
    , "SortDesc_YrMo", - DATEDIFF(date(9999, 12, 31), EOMONTH([Date],-1)+1, MONTH)
    , "SortDesc_Date", - DATEDIFF(date(9999, 12, 31), [Date], DAY)
    , "Date (DESC)", [Date]
    , "Mo-Yr (DESC)",  FORMAT([Date], "MMM") &"-"& FORMAT([Date],"YY")
    , "Days Offset", DATEDIFF(TODAY(),[Date],DAY) 
    , "Months Offset", DATEDIFF(TODAY(),[Date],MONTH) 
    , "Years Offset", DATEDIFF(TODAY(),[Date],YEAR) 
    , "Weeks Offset", DATEDIFF(TODAY(),[Date],WEEK)
    , "Weeks Back Offset", DATEDIFF(TODAY(),[Date],WEEK) * -1
    -- WEEK LOOKBACK - Format printed on report lables = "Wk 2: Mon"
    , "Lookback Day Name", "Wk " & DATEDIFF(TODAY(),[Date],WEEK) * -1 & ": " & FORMAT([Date],"ddd") 
    -- WEEK LOOKBACK - Concatanate [Weeksback + Daynum] to find the relative date location = "1" weeksback & "1" day = "11" to number = 11..17 and 21..27
    -- WEEK LOOKBACK - Sort the [Lookback Day Name], chronological oldest to newest date

Calendar - table field calculations


  • You need to create what's known as an asymmetric matrix. It is quite an involved process and requires the use of a disconnected table. It is probably a bit much to describe the whole technique here so instead you can follow the guide on this link: