In a previous question I discovered the existence of Conor McBride's Kleisli arrows of Outrageous Fortune while looking for ways of encoding Idris examples in Haskell. My efforts to understand McBride's code and make it compile in Haskell led to this gist:
While searching on Hackage, I discovered several implementations of these concepts, notably by (guess who?) Edward Kmett and Gabriel Gonzalez.
What experience do people have putting such code in production? In particular, do the expected benefits (runtime safety, self-guiding usage) actually occur IRL? How about maintaining this kind of code over time and onboarding newcomers?
EDIT: I changed the title to be more explicit about what I am looking for: Real-world use of indexed monads in the wild. I am interested in using them and I have several use-cases in mind, just wondering if other people have already used them in "production" code.
EDIT 2: Thanks to the great answers provided so far and helpful comments, I edited that question's title and description again to reflect more precisely what kind of answer I expect, e.g. experience report.
I think the below should count as a practical example: statically enforcing "well-stackedness" in a compiler. Boilerplate first:
{-# LANGUAGE GADTs, KindSignatures #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds, TypeOperators #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RebindableSyntax #-}
import qualified Prelude
import Prelude hiding (return, fail, (>>=), (>>))
Then a simple stack language:
data Op (i :: [*]) (j :: [*]) where
IMM :: a -> Op i (a ': i)
BINOP :: (a -> b -> c) -> Op (a ': b ': i) (c ': i)
BRANCH :: Label i j -> Label i j -> Op (Bool ': i) j
and we won't bother with real Label
data Label (i :: [*]) (j :: [*]) where
Label :: Prog i j -> Label i j
and Prog
rams are just type-aligned lists of Op
data Prog (i :: [*]) (j :: [*]) where
PNil :: Prog i i
PCons :: Op i j -> Prog j k -> Prog i k
So in this setting, we can very easily make a compiler which is an indexed writer monad; that is, an indexed monad:
class IMonad (m :: idx -> idx -> * -> *) where
ireturn :: a -> m i i a
ibind :: m i j a -> (a -> m j k b) -> m i k b
-- For RebindableSyntax, so that we get that sweet 'do' sugar
return :: (IMonad m) => a -> m i i a
return = ireturn
(>>=) :: (IMonad m) => m i j a -> (a -> m j k b) -> m i k b
(>>=) = ibind
m >> n = m >>= const n
fail = error
that allows accumulating a(n indexed) monoid:
class IMonoid (m :: idx -> idx -> *) where
imempty :: m i i
imappend :: m i j -> m j k -> m i k
just like regular Writer
newtype IWriter w (i :: [*]) (j :: [*]) (a :: *) = IWriter{ runIWriter :: (w i j, a) }
instance (IMonoid w) => IMonad (IWriter w) where
ireturn x = IWriter (imempty, x)
ibind m f = IWriter $ case runIWriter m of
(w, x) -> case runIWriter (f x) of
(w', y) -> (w `imappend` w', y)
itell :: w i j -> IWriter w i j ()
itell w = IWriter (w, ())
So we just apply this machinery to Prog
instance IMonoid Prog where
imempty = PNil
imappend PNil prog' = prog'
imappend (PCons op prog) prog' = PCons op $ imappend prog prog'
type Compiler = IWriter Prog
tellOp :: Op i j -> Compiler i j ()
tellOp op = itell $ PCons op PNil
label :: Compiler i j () -> Compiler k k (Label i j)
label m = case runIWriter m of
(prog, ()) -> ireturn (Label prog)
and then we can try compiling a simple expression language:
data Expr a where
Lit :: a -> Expr a
And :: Expr Bool -> Expr Bool -> Expr Bool
Plus :: Expr Int -> Expr Int -> Expr Int
If :: Expr Bool -> Expr a -> Expr a -> Expr a
compile :: Expr a -> Compiler i (a ': i) ()
compile (Lit x) = tellOp $ IMM x
compile (And x y) = do
compile x
compile y
tellOp $ BINOP (&&)
compile (Plus x y) = do
compile x
compile y
tellOp $ BINOP (+)
compile (If b t e) = do
labThen <- label $ compile t
labElse <- label $ compile e
compile b
tellOp $ BRANCH labThen labElse
and if we omitted e.g. one of the arguments to BINOP
, the typechecker will detect this:
compile (And x y) = do
compile x
tellOp $ BINOP (&&)
- Could not deduce:
i ~ (Bool : i)
from the context:a ~ Bool