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In GTest, how to check for number very close to 0? EXPECT_FLOAT_EQ not working

I have some code that computes (a)sin/(a)cos values which are expected to be very close to 0, but when I say

EXPECT_FLOAT_EQ(my_computed_var, 0);

I get errors like:

/path/to/my/test.cpp:148: Failure
      Expected: my_computed_var
      Which is: 9.9920072e-16
      To be equal to: 0

How should I do this? I get this type of "error" for other numbers as well: -4.3711388e-08

Looking for both specific suggestions and general information about dealing with floating point error like this.


  • Use EXPECT_NEAR or the FloatEq matcher instead.

    Floating-Point Macros said that EXPECT_FLOAT_EQ EXPECT_DOUBLE_EQ ASSERT_FLOAT_EQ and ASSERT_DOUBLE_EQ will verify

    the two float/double values are almost equal


    By "almost equal", we mean the two values are within 4 ULP's from each other.

    with ULP is stand for Unit in the last places