I want to give a try to MonoGame with Android Studio. I'm actually on a Mac. I'm doing the following tutorial :
But just after creating the shared project, I had a screen full of missing directives / unnecessary directives like :
"Using directive is unnecessary" "the type or namespace name 'XXXXX' could not be found"
I tried to add the "MonoGame.Framework.Android" package to the android part of the project but it did not changed a single thing.
I tried some researches but I have some difficulties to describe my problem, because I don't really understand it. I'm not sure, but I think it's coming from references.
Ok it's done!
It was a linking problem : i did not have the needed references, I needed to install Mono and MonoGame, not just MonoGame AddIn.
Here is my solution:
1 - Uninstall the MonoGame AddIn
2- Uninstall Xamarin (yeah it's extreme)
3 - Install Mono http://www.mono-project.com/
4 - Install MonoGame http://www.monogame.net/downloads/
5 - Re-Install Xamarin
6 - Activate MonoGame AddIn -> it's already there
7 - Create a SharedProject, then modify the "OnCreate" method in the Android part :
protected override void OnCreate(Bundle bundle)
var g = new Game1();
8 - Profit, enjoy your MonoGameSample.
thanks to @hankide for giving his help.
This link helped me a lot:
http:// blog.jamie.ly/software/2013/04/23/setting-up-a-monogame-mac-application-with-xamarin-studio.html
PS : i don't have enought reputation to post more than 2 links so the last one have a space between "http://" and "blog.jamie"