Is there a way to manipulate variable instantiation depending on a parameter?
For example, here if I were to put just bit [WIDTH-1:0] a;
and set DEPTH == 1, WIDTH would be 0 and bit [-1:0] a;
would not make sense.
When I code it like in the example below I get an error on the second $display: "Undeclared identifier: a". Is there a way to achieve this in Verilog/SV or is there an error in my code?
module test #(
parameter DEPTH = 2,
parameter WIDTH = $clog2(DEPTH)
if (WIDTH == 0) begin
bit a;
end else begin
bit [WIDTH-1:0] a;
initial begin
$display("WIDTH: %d", WIDTH);
$display("Bit width of a: %d", $bits(a));
endmodule: test
All you need to do is
bit [(WIDTH>0 ? WIDTH-1 : 0):0] a;