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LoadRunner - Manual Correlation - Unable to get the value using web_reg_save_param

I am using LoadRunner to test the performance of an application which is a Siebel CRM based application. The issue I am facing is I am not able to get the SRN number which is unique for each of the session.

The code I am using to capture SRN is below

lr_output_message( "Siebel_SRN value is %s", lr_eval_string( "{Siebel_SRN}" ) );

If I search by SRN` I am able to see the SRN value.

Below is the response I am getting from the server. I am setting the boundary correctly ( I believe so ) but not able to get the SRN value.

vuser_init.c(161):     7/23048/scripts/HICalendarUI.htm`sui`false`vfn`_sweclient._swecontent._sweview`IsWebSocket
vuser_init.c(161):     BSReady`false`WebSocketServerPort``SweBusyTimer`30`lt`1471312453347`MR1`Y`cqt`-1`ui`L17LOA
vuser_init.c(161):     D`IsAutoOn`false`ect`Link`SRN`ABrcHGKVMlEGktXB3ekmRUEOy6rYzkMmy7OicIW0yHMb`ec`<span class=
vuser_init.c(161):     \\"siebui-icon-icon_select\\"><img src=\\"images/icon_select.gif\\" border=\\"0\\" align=\\
vuser_init.c(161):     "absmiddle\\" alt=\\"Pick Applet\\"  title=\\"Pick Applet\\" >\\<\\/span>`cks`1-14TA9_DHHS
vuser_init.c(161):     +L17_43%7c1470288710%7c1471223560_0_23048__L`vs` SIA [23048]  ENU`USC`1`IsMsgBarEna
vuser_init.c(161):     bled`true`lodc`0`IsMobileApplication`false`iri`<span class=\\"siebui-icon-icon_required\\"
vuser_init.c(161):     ><img src=\\"images/icon_req.gif\\" border=\\"0\\" space=\\"0\\" hspace=\\"0\\" alt=\\"Req

I am getting the below message while replaying

 No match found for the requested parameter "Siebel_SRN". Either the specified boundaries
 were not found in the response or the matched text is longer than current max html parameter size of 999999 bytes.
 The total length of the response is 15062 bytes. You can use 
"web_set_max_html_param_len" to increase the max parameter size.    [MsgId: MERR-26377] [Time:2016-08-16 11:54:27]

and the output for Siebel_SRN is

user_init.c(296): Registering web_reg_save_param was successful     [MsgId: MMSG-26390]
vuser_init.c(307): Warning: The string 'Siebel_SRN' with parameter delimiters is not a parameter.
vuser_init.c(307): Siebel_SRN value is {Siebel_SRN} [Time:2016-08-16 11:54:21]

I am doing something silly. But not able to figure it out.Please help me in resolving this issue. Advance Thanks


  • First of all, make sure you placed the web_reg_save_param before the target request step (web_url, web_custom_request, web_submit_form etc.) as correlations should always be registered beforehand.

    Also you should not pass Ord=All argument: it creates an array on parameters like Siebel_SRN_1, Siebel_SRN_2 and so on. In your case, there is only one instance of the SRN value in the response. IgnoreRedirections=Yes looks odd as well: ignoring HTTP redirections is not needed in general case. Check the official documentation for more information.