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When I use Conditional Compilation Arguments to Exclude Code, why doesn't VB6 EXE file size change?

Basically, when declaring Windows API functions in my VB6 code, there comes with these many constants that need to be declared or used with this function, in fact, usually most of these constants are not used and you only end up using one of them or so when making your API calls, so I am using Conditional Compilation Arguments to exclude these (and other things) using something like this:

IncludeUnused = 0 : Testing = 1

(this is how I set two conditional compilation arguments (they are of Boolean type by default).

So, many unused things are excluded like this:

#If IncludeUnused Then
' Some constant declarations and API declarations go here, sometimes functions
' and function calls go here as well, so it's not just declarations and constants
#End If

I also use a similar wrapper using the Testing Boolean declared in the Conditional Compilation Argument input field in the VB6 Properties windows "Make" tab. The Testing Boolean is used to display message boxes and things like that when I am in testing mode, and of course, these message boxed are removed (not displayed) if I have Testing set to 0 (and it is obviously 1 when I am Testing).

The problem is, I tried setting IncludeUnused and Testing to 0 and 1 and visa versa, a total of four (4) combinations, and no matter what combination I set these values to, the output EXE file size for my VB6 EXE does not change! It is always 49,152 when compiled to Native Code using Fast Code, and when using Small Code.

Additionally, if I compile to p-code under the four (4) combinations of Testing and IncludeUnused, i always end up with the file size 32,768 no matter what.

This is driving me crazy, since it is leading me to believe that no change is actually occuring, even though it is. Why is it that when segments of code are excluded from compilation, the file size is still the same? What am I missing or doing wrong, or what have I miscalculated?

I have considered the option that perhaps VB6 automatically does not compile code which is not used into the final output EXE, but I have read from a few sources that this is not true, in that, if it's included, it is compiled (correct me if I am wrong), and if this is right, then there is no need to use the IncludeUnused Boolean to remove unused code...?

If anyone can shed some light on these thoughts, I'd greatly appreciate it.


  • It could well be that the size difference is very small and that the exe size is padded to the next 512 or 1024 byte alignment. Try compressing the exe's with zip and see if the zip-file sizes differ.