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How can I shift a column in a dataframe x times into an array, apply a function, and create a new column?

I am having a hard time understanding how I can better improve this code:

from datetime import datetime

import math
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np

def trending(row, label, amt, prepend = False, postpend = False, reverse = True):
    arr = []

    if prepend:

    for i in range(amt):

    if postpend:

    if reverse:

    if any(x == None or math.isnan(x) for x in arr):
        return 0

    return slope(arr)

def slope(arr):
    if len(arr) <= 1:
        return 0
    coeffs = np.polyfit(range(len(arr)), arr, 1)
    slope = coeffs[-2]
    return float(slope)

def trends(df):
    start =

    look_back = 5

    for i in range(look_back):
        j = i + 1
        df2 = df[['close', 'pvi', 'nvi', 'smi', 'roc', 'macd', 'histogram', 'percent_b', 'height']]
        df2 = df2.add_suffix(f'_{i}')
        df2 = df2.shift(j)
        df = pd.concat([df, df2], axis=1)

    def close_trend(row):
        return trending(row, 'close', look_back, True, False)

    def pvi_trend(row):
        return trending(row, 'pvi', look_back, True, False)

    def nvi_trend(row):
        return trending(row, 'nvi', look_back, True, False)

    def smi_trend(row):
        return trending(row, 'smi', look_back, True, False)

    def macd_trend(row):
        return trending(row, 'macd', look_back, True, False)

    def roc_trend(row):
        return trending(row, 'roc', look_back, True, False)

    def histogram_trend(row):
        return trending(row, 'histogram', look_back, True, False)

    def percent_b_trend(row):
        return trending(row, 'percent_b', look_back, True, False)

    def height_trend(row):
        return trending(row, 'height', look_back, True, False)
    df['close_trend'] = df.apply(close_trend, axis=1)
    df['pvi_trend'] = df.apply(pvi_trend, axis=1)
    df['nvi_trend'] = df.apply(nvi_trend, axis=1)
    df['smi_trend'] = df.apply(smi_trend, axis=1)
    df['macd_trend'] = df.apply(macd_trend, axis=1)
    df['roc_trend'] = df.apply(roc_trend, axis=1)
    df['histogram_trend'] = df.apply(histogram_trend, axis=1)
    df['percent_b_trend'] = df.apply(percent_b_trend, axis=1)
    df['height_trend'] = df.apply(height_trend, axis=1)

    print(f'Trends function took { - start}')

    return df

data = []

for i in range(10000):
    data.append([545.9, 0.3333398862,   0.01673619117,  0.2111060119,   55.95725508,    1.100447539,    0.8652411735,   0.8219623901,   1.808441041,    46.79554862])

columns = ['close', 'macd', 'histogram', 'roc', 'rsi', 'pvi', 'nvi', 'percent_b', 'height', 'smi']

df = pd.DataFrame(columns=columns, data=data)

df = trends(df)


It works, but it is awfully slow. I have a dataframe without about 10k rows and it takes about 30s. Basically, what I am trying to accomplish is this:

  1. Shift the "trend columns" x number of times so each row has the x number of previous values
  2. Take those values + the current rows value and find the slope
  3. Set the slope to a "trending" column


  • You can achieve huge speed-up (200-300x) by applying polyfit to whole dataframe instead of doing it row by row.

    I added some code to check correctness, check yourself and remove afterwards.

    def trending_vectorized(df, label, amt, prepend=False, postpend=False, reverse=True):
        arr = []
        if prepend:
        for i in range(amt):
        if postpend:
        if reverse:
        arr = np.vstack(arr)
        poly_coeffs = np.polyfit(np.arange(len(arr)), np.vstack(arr), 1)
        poly_coeffs[np.isnan(poly_coeffs)] = 0  # possible speed-up: insert zeros where needed
        return poly_coeffs[0, :]  # slope only
    def trends(df):
        start =
        look_back = 5
        for i in range(look_back):
            j = i + 1
            df2 = df[['close', 'pvi', 'nvi', 'smi', 'roc', 'macd', 'histogram', 'percent_b', 'height']]
            df2 = df2.add_suffix(f'_{i}')
            df2 = df2.shift(j)
            df = pd.concat([df, df2], axis=1)
        def close_trend(row):
            return trending(row, 'close', look_back, True, False)
        def pvi_trend(row):
            return trending(row, 'pvi', look_back, True, False)
        def nvi_trend(row):
            return trending(row, 'nvi', look_back, True, False)
        def smi_trend(row):
            return trending(row, 'smi', look_back, True, False)
        def macd_trend(row):
            return trending(row, 'macd', look_back, True, False)
        def roc_trend(row):
            return trending(row, 'roc', look_back, True, False)
        def histogram_trend(row):
            return trending(row, 'histogram', look_back, True, False)
        def percent_b_trend(row):
            return trending(row, 'percent_b', look_back, True, False)
        def height_trend(row):
            return trending(row, 'height', look_back, True, False)
        df['close_trend'] = df.apply(close_trend, axis=1)
        df['pvi_trend'] = df.apply(pvi_trend, axis=1)
        df['nvi_trend'] = df.apply(nvi_trend, axis=1)
        df['smi_trend'] = df.apply(smi_trend, axis=1)
        df['macd_trend'] = df.apply(macd_trend, axis=1)
        df['roc_trend'] = df.apply(roc_trend, axis=1)
        df['histogram_trend'] = df.apply(histogram_trend, axis=1)
        df['percent_b_trend'] = df.apply(percent_b_trend, axis=1)
        df['height_trend'] = df.apply(height_trend, axis=1)
        df['close_trend2'] = trending_vectorized(df, 'close', look_back, True, False)
        df['pvi_trend2'] = trending_vectorized(df, 'pvi', look_back, True, False)
        df['nvi_trend2'] = trending_vectorized(df, 'nvi', look_back, True, False)
        df['smi_trend2'] = trending_vectorized(df, 'smi', look_back, True, False)
        df['macd_trend2'] = trending_vectorized(df, 'macd', look_back, True, False)
        df['roc_trend2'] = trending_vectorized(df, 'roc', look_back, True, False)
        df['histogram_trend2'] = trending_vectorized(df, 'histogram', look_back, True, False)
        df['percent_b_trend2'] = trending_vectorized(df, 'percent_b', look_back, True, False)
        df['height_trend2'] = trending_vectorized(df, 'height', look_back, True, False)
        assert np.allclose(df['close_trend'], df['close_trend2'])
        assert np.allclose(df['pvi_trend'], df['pvi_trend2'])
        assert np.allclose(df['nvi_trend'], df['nvi_trend2'])
        assert np.allclose(df['smi_trend'], df['smi_trend2'])
        assert np.allclose(df['macd_trend'], df['macd_trend2'])
        assert np.allclose(df['roc_trend'], df['roc_trend2'])
        assert np.allclose(df['histogram_trend'], df['histogram_trend2'])
        assert np.allclose(df['percent_b_trend'], df['percent_b_trend2'])
        assert np.allclose(df['height_trend'], df['height_trend2'])
        print(f'Trends function took { - start}')
        return df

    Noted you liked clean code, so bonus - cleaned function:

    def trends2(df):
        col_names = ['close', 'pvi', 'nvi', 'smi', 'macd', 'roc', 'histogram', 'percent_b', 'height']
        look_back = 5
        for i in range(look_back):
            j = i + 1
            df2 = df[col_names]
            df2 = df2.add_suffix(f'_{i}')
            df2 = df2.shift(j)
            df = pd.concat([df, df2], axis=1)
        for col_name in col_names:
            df[f'{col_name}_trend'] = trending_vectorized(df, col_name, look_back, True, False)
        return df