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How to Register Keycloak Password Hash Service Provider SPI


I need to migrate a user database for a bespoke app into Keycloak. I have created a keycloak-add-user.json file that imports the users successfully. Migrated user passwords are hashed in the original system, however I've implemented a Keycloak Password Hash SPI service class that uses the existing algorithm to validate the hash and salt value of a migrated user. The Hash SPI class implements PasswordHashProviderFactory and PasswordHashProvider from the Keycloak SPI and is based on `Pbkdf2PasswordHashProvider'.

public class MyPasswordHashProvider implements PasswordHashProviderFactory, PasswordHashProvider {
public static final String ID = "XXXX";

The issue

When a migrated user tries to authenticate with keycloak an error is logged by org.keycloak.hash.PasswordHashManager

Could not find hash provider XXXX for password

My jar contains an initialisation file META-INF/services/org.keycloak.models.PasswordHashProviderFactory with a single line containing the full classname of the HashProvider implementation.


This was based on the Federation SPI doco, but documentation for the Keycloak Password Hash SPI seems to be non-existent. What am I missing, or what do I need to do to register and use my Hash Provider with Keycloak?


  • This turned out to be a copy/paste error - the initialisation file had the wrong package name 'model' rather than 'hash' and therefore didn't match the PasswordHashProviderFactory.

    In the provider jar the initialisation file needs to be named:


    and contain a single line with the full name of the implementation factory class - in this case:
