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Logout from next-auth with keycloak provider not works

I have a nextjs application with next-auth to manage the authentication.

Here my configuration

export default NextAuth({
  // Configure one or more authentication providers
  providers: [
      id: 'my-keycloack-2',
      name: 'my-keycloack-2',
      clientId: process.env.NEXTAUTH_CLIENT_ID,
      clientSecret: process.env.NEXTAUTH_CLIENT_SECRET,
      issuer: process.env.NEXTAUTH_CLIENT_ISSUER,
      profile: (profile) => ({
        id: profile.sub

Authentication works as expected, but when i try to logout using the next-auth signOut function it doesn't works. Next-auth session is destroyed but keycloak mantain his session.


  • After some research i found a reddit conversation that describe the same problem.

    Here my solution.

    I write a custom function to logout

      const logout = async (): Promise<void> => {
        const {
          data: { path }
        } = await axios.get('/api/auth/logout');
        await signOut({ redirect: false });
        window.location.href = path;

    And i define an api path to obtain the path to destroy the session on keycloak /api/auth/logout

    export default (req, res) => {
      const path = `${process.env.NEXTAUTH_CLIENT_ISSUER}/protocol/openid-connect/logout? 
      res.status(200).json({ path });


    In the latest versions of keycloak (at time of this post update is 19.*.* -> the redirect uri becomes a bit more complex

    export default (req, res) => {
      const session = await getSession({ req });
      let path = `${process.env.NEXTAUTH_CLIENT_ISSUER}/protocol/openid-connect/logout? 
    if(session?.id_token) {
      path = path + `&id_token_hint=${session.id_token}`
    } else {
      path = path + `&client_id=${process.env.NEXTAUTH_CLIENT_ID}`
      res.status(200).json({ path });

    Note that you need to include either the client_id or id_token_hint parameter in case that post_logout_redirect_uri is included.