I am wondering if any one would know about this problem: I am starting a Keycloak as a Gitlab service in order to run integration tests in a pipeline, using the "--import-realm" option. It works very well locally, and it works some of the times in Gitlab. However, sometimes (I'd say a little more than 50%), the realm is simply not imported, without any error message (and then of course my test fails).
Here is my job description:
KEYCLOAK_DATA_IMPORT_DIR: /builds/js-dev/myproject/Keycloak-testapp/data
KC_HTTPS_CERTIFICATE_FILE: /opt/keycloak/certificates/keycloak.crt.pem
KC_HTTPS_CERTIFICATE_KEY_FILE: /opt/keycloak/certificates/keycloak.key.pem
#(custom image below is based on quay.io/keycloak/keycloak:18.0.2)
- name: myinternalrepo/mykeycloakimage:mytag
alias: keycloak
command: ["start-dev","--import-realm", "--health-enabled=true", "--http-port=8089","--log=console,file"]
# Before E2E tests: First wait for keycloak
- |
set -x
while [ "$(curl -s -o /dev/null -w '%{http_code}' http://keycloak:8089/health )" != "200" ]
echo "waiting for Keycloak..."
sleep 1;
let count=count+1;
if [ $count -gt 100 ]
echo "Keycloak is not starting, exiting"
exit 1;
echo "Keycloak is UP after $count retries"
set +x
#... (the rest is my integration test)
KEYCLOAK_DATA_IMPORT_DIR is used by a custom entrypoint to create a symbolic link to /opt/keycloak/data/import (since I cannot mount a volume for a Gitlab service, as far as I know):
ln -s $KEYCLOAK_DATA_IMPORT_DIR /opt/keycloak/data/import
In working cases, I have this log:
2022-08-02 05:46:14,468 INFO [org.keycloak.services] (main) KC-SERVICES0050: Initializing master realm
2022-08-02 05:46:19,869 INFO [org.keycloak.services] (main) KC-SERVICES0004: Imported realm test from file /opt/keycloak/bin/../data/import/realm-export.json.
2022-08-02 05:46:20,232 INFO [org.keycloak.services] (main) KC-SERVICES0009: Added user 'admin' to realm 'master'
But in other cases, the log shows no error, it continues as if the import option was not given:
2022-08-02 06:04:14,230 INFO [org.keycloak.services] (main) KC-SERVICES0050: Initializing master realm
2022-08-02 06:04:18,220 INFO [org.keycloak.services] (main) KC-SERVICES0009: Added user 'admin' to realm 'master'
I have also added an nginx in the keycloak custom image exposing the Keycloak logs (because it's difficult to get full logs from Gitlab services otherwise!), but I couldn't find anything more in them.
I dont't know if this is a problem with my custom entrypoint and the symbolic link, with Keycloak, or related to Gitlab services...all I know is that when it fails, I retry the job, sometime multiples times, and usually it finally works. Any help would be appreciated.
The service containers are started before the code is checked out in mounted volume /builds
(see: https://docs.gitlab.com/ee/ci/services/#how-docker-integration-works), so there is a race condition between git checkout
and your service doing the ln -s
. You might want to add another waiting-loop, or (since checkout is usually quick) maybe a sleep with a few seconds is sufficient.