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Use Keycloak Spring Adapter with Spring Boot 3

I updated to Spring Boot 3 in a project that uses the Keycloak Spring Adapter. Unfortunately, it doesn't start because the KeycloakWebSecurityConfigurerAdapter extends WebSecurityConfigurerAdapter which was first deprecated in Spring Security and then removed. Is there currently another way to implement security with Keycloak? Or to put it in other words: How can I use Spring Boot 3 in combination with the Keycloak adapter?

I searched the Internet, but couldn't find any other version of the adapter.


  • You can't use Keycloak adapters with spring-boot 3 for the reason you found, plus a few others related to transitive dependencies. As most Keycloak adapters were deprecated in early 2022, it is very likely that no update will be published to fix that.

    Instead, use spring-security 6 libs for OAuth2. Don't panic, it's an easy task with spring-boot.

    The following requires that you know exactly why you need to configure a stateful client with oauth2Login (using authorization code & refresh token flows, request authorization based on sessions) or a stateless oauth2ResourceServer (no session, request authorization based on Bearer tokens). In case of doubt, please refer to the OAuth2 essentials section of my tutorials or this Baeldung article I wrote. The Baeldung article also contains instructions to set up a pre-configured Keycloak instance in Docker.

    I expose solutions with and then without spring-addons-starter-oidc, a Spring Boot starter of mine that helps with OIDC configuration. Browse directly to the section you are interested in (but be prepared to write much more code if you don't want to use "my" starter).

    1. OAuth2 Resource Server

    App exposes a REST API secured with access tokens. It is consumed by an OAuth2 REST client. A few sample of such clients:

    • another Spring application configured as an OAuth2 client and using RestClient, WebClient, @FeignClient, RestTemplate or alike to query the resource server
    • a Backend For Frontend (BFF) like a spring-cloud-gateway instance configured with oauth2Login() and the TokenRelay filter, which is now the recommended way to use OAuth2 for Single Page Applications (Angular, React, Vue, ...)*
    • development tools like Postman capable of fetching OAuth2 tokens and issuing REST requests
    • Javascript based application configured as a "public" OAuth2 client with a library like angular-auth-oidc-client, but warning, this is now discouraged in favor of the OAuth2 BFF pattern

    Note that browsers can't directly consume a stateless resource server without the help of a Javascript framework and that, as mentioned above, this not recommended anymore.

    1.1. With spring-addons-starter-oidc

    origins: http://localhost:4200
    issuer: http://localhost:8442/realms/master
            - path: /my-resources/**
              allowed-origin-patterns: ${origins}
            # as this is an array of issuers, we may define more than one Keycloak realm
            # or even completely different authorization servers (using other private claims for user roles)
            - iss: ${issuer}
              # for illustration purpose only: the default (iss) is probably a better option
              username-claim: preferred_username
              - path: $.realm_access.roles
                # for illustration purpose, the default is an empty string
                prefix: ROLE_
                # any valid JsonPath expression resolved to a list of strings is acceptable
              - path: $.resource_access.*.roles
              # default access rule is "isAuthenticated" except for the path matched here (allowed to anonymous requests)
              - "/actuator/health/readiness"
              - "/actuator/health/liveness"
              - "/v3/api-docs/**"
    public static class WebSecurityConfig { }

    Nothing more is needed to configure a resource-server with fine tuned CORS policy and authorities mapping. Bootiful, isn't it?.

    Also, spring-addons-starter-oidc will detect from what is on the classpath if an app is a servlet or reactive and adapt its security auto-configuration.

    1.2. With just spring-boot-starter-oauth2-resource-server

        <!-- used when converting Keycloak roles to Spring authorities -->
              issuer-uri: http://localhost:8442/realms/master
    public static class WebSecurityConfig {
        SecurityFilterChain filterChain(
                HttpSecurity http,
                Converter<Jwt, ? extends AbstractAuthenticationToken> jwtAuthenticationConverter,
                @Value("${}") String issuerUri) throws Exception {
            http.oauth2ResourceServer(oauth2 -> oauth2.jwt(jwt -> jwt.jwtAuthenticationConverter(jwtAuthenticationConverter)));
            // Enable and configure CORS
            http.cors(cors -> cors.configurationSource(corsConfigurationSource("http://localhost:4200")));
            // State-less session (state in access-token only)
            http.sessionManagement(sm -> sm.sessionCreationPolicy(SessionCreationPolicy.STATELESS));
            // Disable CSRF because of state-less session-management
            http.csrf(csrf -> csrf.disable());
            // Return 401 (unauthorized) instead of 302 (redirect to login) when
            // authorization is missing or invalid
            http.exceptionHandling(eh -> eh.authenticationEntryPoint((request, response, authException) -> {
                response.addHeader(HttpHeaders.WWW_AUTHENTICATE, "OAuth realm=\"%s\"".formatted(issuerUri));
                response.sendError(HttpStatus.UNAUTHORIZED.value(), HttpStatus.UNAUTHORIZED.getReasonPhrase());
            // @formatter:off
            http.authorizeHttpRequests(accessManagement -> accessManagement
                .requestMatchers("/actuator/health/readiness", "/actuator/health/liveness", "/v3/api-docs/**").permitAll()
            // @formatter:on
        private UrlBasedCorsConfigurationSource corsConfigurationSource(String... origins) {
            final var configuration = new CorsConfiguration();
            final var source = new UrlBasedCorsConfigurationSource();
            source.registerCorsConfiguration("/my-resources/**", configuration);
            return source;
        static class JwtGrantedAuthoritiesConverter implements Converter<Jwt, Collection<? extends GrantedAuthority>> {
            @SuppressWarnings({ "rawtypes", "unchecked" })
            public Collection<? extends GrantedAuthority> convert(Jwt jwt) {
                return Stream.of("$.realm_access.roles", "$.resource_access.*.roles").flatMap(claimPaths -> {
                    Object claim;
                    try {
                        claim =, claimPaths);
                    } catch (PathNotFoundException e) {
                        claim = null;
                    if (claim == null) {
                        return Stream.empty();
                    if (claim instanceof String claimStr) {
                        return Stream.of(claimStr.split(","));
                    if (claim instanceof String[] claimArr) {
                        return Stream.of(claimArr);
                    if (Collection.class.isAssignableFrom(claim.getClass())) {
                        final var iter = ((Collection) claim).iterator();
                        if (!iter.hasNext()) {
                            return Stream.empty();
                        final var firstItem =;
                        if (firstItem instanceof String) {
                            return (Stream<String>) ((Collection) claim).stream();
                        if (Collection.class.isAssignableFrom(firstItem.getClass())) {
                            return (Stream<String>) ((Collection) claim).stream().flatMap(colItem -> ((Collection) colItem).stream()).map(String.class::cast);
                    return Stream.empty();
                /* Insert some transformation here if you want to add a prefix like "ROLE_" or force upper-case authorities */
        static class SpringAddonsJwtAuthenticationConverter implements Converter<Jwt, JwtAuthenticationToken> {
            public JwtAuthenticationToken convert(Jwt jwt) {
                final var authorities = new JwtGrantedAuthoritiesConverter().convert(jwt);
                final String username =, "preferred_username");
                return new JwtAuthenticationToken(jwt, authorities, username);

    In addition to being much more verbose than preceding one, this solution is also less flexible:

    • not adapted to multi-tenancy (multiple Keycloak realms or instances)
    • hardcoded allowed origins
    • hardcoded claim names to fetch autorities from
    • hardcoded "permitAll" path matchers

    2. OAuth2 Client

    App exposes any kind of resources secured with sessions (not access tokens). It is consumed directly by a browser (or any other user agent capable of maintaining a session) without the need of a scripting language or OAuth2 client lib (authorization-code flow, logout and token storage are handled by Spring on the server). Common uses-cases are:

    • applications with server-side rendered UI (with Thymeleaf, JSF, or whatever)
    • (spring-cloud-gateway used as Backend For Frontend)7: configured with oauth2Login and the TokenRelay filter (hides OAuth2 tokens from the browser and replaces session cookie with an access token before forwarding a request to downstream resource server(s)).

    2.1. With spring-addons-starter-oidc

    issuer: http://localhost:8442/realms/master
    client-id: spring-addons-confidential
    client-secret: change-me
    client-uri: http://localhost:8080
                issuer-uri: ${issuer}
                provider: keycloak
                authorization-grant-type: authorization_code
                client-id: ${client-id}
                client-secret: ${client-secret}
                scope: openid,profile,email,offline_access
            - iss: ${issuer}
              - path: $.realm_access.roles
              # allows to build OAuth2 redirection URIs using a public endpoint (reverse-proxy)
              client-uri: ${client-uri}
              # defines which resource should be processed by the stateful filter-chain with oauth2Login
              # so we'd use another expression in an app with several filter-chains (for instance a stateful one for routes with the TokenRelay filter and a stateless one for actuator endpoints)
              security-matchers: /**
              - /
              - /login/**
              - /oauth2/**
              # in case of mobile and single page applications we need the CSRF token in a cookie
              csrf: cookie-accessible-from-js
              # the post log in / out host and path can be overridden by the client with custom headers or request params
              post-login-redirect-host: ${reverse-proxy}
              post-login-redirect-path: /ui/home
              post-logout-redirect-host: ${reverse-proxy}
              post-logout-redirect-path: /
              # change the status of OAuth2 flows responses to process it in mobile and single page applications
              # to initiate plain navigations instead of having the user agent follow with cross-origin requests
                authentication-entry-point: UNAUTHORIZED
                pre-authorization-code: OK
                rp-initiated-logout: ACCEPTED
                enabled: true
                internal-logout-uri: ${client-uri}/logout/connect/back-channel/quiz-bff
    public class WebSecurityConfig {

    As for resource server, this solution works in reactive applications too.

    2.2. With just spring-boot-starter-oauth2-client

        <!-- used when converting Keycloak roles to Spring authorities -->
    issuer: http://localhost:8442/realms/master
    client-id: spring-addons-confidential
    client-secret: change-me
                issuer-uri: ${issuer}
                provider: keycloak
                authorization-grant-type: authorization_code
                client-id: ${client-id}
                client-secret: ${client-secret}
                scope: openid,profile,email,offline_access
    public class WebSecurityConfig {
                clientSecurityFilterChain(HttpSecurity http, InMemoryClientRegistrationRepository clientRegistrationRepository)
                        throws Exception {
            http.logout(logout -> {
                logout.logoutSuccessHandler(new OidcClientInitiatedLogoutSuccessHandler(clientRegistrationRepository));
            // @formatter:off
            http.authorizeHttpRequests(ex -> ex
                    .requestMatchers("/", "/login/**", "/oauth2/**").permitAll()
            // @formatter:on
        static class GrantedAuthoritiesMapperImpl implements GrantedAuthoritiesMapper {
            public Collection<? extends GrantedAuthority> mapAuthorities(Collection<? extends GrantedAuthority> authorities) {
                Set<GrantedAuthority> mappedAuthorities = new HashSet<>();
                authorities.forEach(authority -> {
                    if (OidcUserAuthority.class.isInstance(authority)) {
                        final var oidcUserAuthority = (OidcUserAuthority) authority;
                        final var issuer = oidcUserAuthority.getIdToken().getClaimAsURL(JwtClaimNames.ISS);
                    } else if (OAuth2UserAuthority.class.isInstance(authority)) {
                        try {
                            final var oauth2UserAuthority = (OAuth2UserAuthority) authority;
                            final var userAttributes = oauth2UserAuthority.getAttributes();
                            final var issuer = new URL(userAttributes.get(JwtClaimNames.ISS).toString());
                        } catch (MalformedURLException e) {
                            throw new RuntimeException(e);
                return mappedAuthorities;
            @SuppressWarnings({ "rawtypes", "unchecked" })
            private static Collection<GrantedAuthority> extractAuthorities(Map<String, Object> claims) {
                /* See resource server solution above for authorities mapping */

    Again, this solution is much more verbose and limited: nothing was configured here to change the default CSRF token handling (in session, not in a cookie), OAuth2 URIs & statuses, post-login and post-logout URIs, or Back-Channel Logout.

    3. What is spring-addons-starter-oidc and why using it

    This starter is a standard Spring Boot starter with additional application properties used to auto-configure default beans and provide it to Spring Security. It is important to note that the auto-configured @Beans are almost all @ConditionalOnMissingBean which enables you to override it in your conf.

    It is open-source and you can change everything it pre-configures for you (refer to the Javadoc, the starter README, or the many samples). You should read the starters source before deciding not to trust it, it is not that big. Start with imports resource, it defines what is loaded by Spring Boot for auto-configuration.

    In my opinion (and as demonstrated above), Spring Boot auto-configuration for OAuth2 can be pushed one step further to:

    • make OAuth2 configuration more portable: with a configurable authorities converter, switching from an OIDC provider to another is just a matter of editing properties (Keycloak, Auth0, Cognito, Azure AD, etc.)
    • ease app deployment on different environments: CORS configuration is controlled from properties file
    • reduce drastically the amount of Java code (things get even more complicated if you are in multi-tenancy scenario)
    • support more than just one issuer by default
    • reduce chances of misconfiguration. For instance, it is frequent to see sample configurations with disabled CSRF protection on clients with oauth2Login (which is a security breach as, in this case, requests authorization is based on sessions, the CSRF attack vector), or wasting resources with sessions on endpoints secured with access tokens