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c++ template enable_if unable to match function definition to an existing declaration

I am trying to define a template member function for a template class outside of the class as well as leverage SFINAE to effectively partially overload the function. A minimal example of what I am trying is:


template<typename T, size_t D>
class Test

    template<size_t W = D, typename = int*>
    void do_something(Test&);
    T data[D];

#include <type_traits>

template<typename T, size_t D>
template<size_t W, typename std::enable_if<W == 2, int>::type* = 0>
inline void Test<T, D>::do_something(Test &)

template<typename T, size_t D>
template<size_t W, typename std::enable_if<W == 3, int>::type* = 0>
inline void Test<T, D>::do_something(Test &)


int main(int, char**) {
    Test<float, 2> t1;
    Test<float, 2> t2;
    return 0;

However this code sample produces the error: C2244 'Test::do_something': unable to match function definition to an existing declaration. If I change

template<size_t W, typename std::enable_if<W == 2, int>::type* = 0>


 template<size_t W, typename Type>

and remove the other definition of do_something then the code will compile with no problem so I know that enable_if is the problem. So the question is: How do I use enable_if to achieve a partial overload effect without defining the function inside the class?

Should add that I am compiling with MSVS 2015.


  • You have to use std::enable_if also in declaration:

    template<typename T, std::size_t D>
    class Test
        template<std::size_t W, typename std::enable_if<W == 2>::type* = nullptr>
        void do_something(Test<T, W> &);
        template<std::size_t W, typename std::enable_if<W == 3>::type* = nullptr>
        void do_something(Test<T, W> &);
    template<typename T, std::size_t D>
    template<std::size_t W, typename std::enable_if<W == 2>::type*>
    void Test<T, D>::do_something(Test<T, W> &)
        std::cout << 1 << std::endl;
    template<typename T, std::size_t D>
    template<std::size_t W, typename std::enable_if<W == 3>::type*>
    void Test<T, D>::do_something(Test<T, W> &)
        std::cout << 2 << std::endl;
