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Passing a guid to SAP OData service in UI5

i have a read operation on an OData Set in which i pass the key. If the key is a string all works fine, but now we switched from String as key datatype to guid as data type and the read call doesn't work anymore. I receive always BAD Request 400.

Here the solution with the String parameter, which works.

var oModel = this.getView().getModel();
var someKey = "Key 1";"/SomeSet('" + someKey + "')", {
    urlParameters: {"$expand":"SomeItemToExpand"},
    success: function (oData, oResponse) {"Read successfulf");              
    error: function (onError) {
      sap.m.MessageBox.error("Error reading");

How to pass a guid? I tried:"/SomeSet(guid'" + someKey + "')"

but dows not work.


  • I finally figured it out the best way pass a guid is:"/SomeSet(SomeKey=guid\'" + someKey + "\')", {

    SomeKey= is the key name and this part is optional.