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Not able to get the Device information in IBM Mobile first console with IONIC + MFP App

I am working with integrating IBM Mobile first with my Ionic App. In there i have added a call for a IBM server connectivity.

In there i can able to Connect my App with their server. In my console i can able see like, the sever was get connected.

My issue is, In mobile first Operation console, i am not able to get any information regarding to my App. (i.e) Device information.


  • Edit: I took your app from GitHub and did the following:

    1. from the root folder of the project, ran the command: cordova plugin add cordova-plugin-mfp
    2. Added the following code inside app.js -> window.MFPClientDefer.promise.then(function wlCommonInit(){:

          function () {       
              alert ("successfully obtained a token from the server");
          function(response) {
                      alert("Unable to obtain a token from the server: " + JSON.stringify(response));
    3. Ran the command: ionic build android

    4. Ran the command: ionic emulate android

    I could then see the app in the Devices view ("TestIBM"):

    enter image description here

    Original answer:
    If your application truly successfully connected to the server (that is, it is correctly registered and has obtained a token), you will see it in the Devices view in the Operations Console, or in the Apps view in the Analytics Console.

    For example:

    enter image description here