I am trying to upload a file using a WebView in Android.
This is the code in use:
public boolean onShowFileChooser(WebView webView, final ValueCallback<Uri[]> filePathsCallback, final WebChromeClient.FileChooserParams fileChooserParams) {
Intent intent = fileChooserParams.createIntent();
LOG.d(LOG_TAG, "mime types: " + Arrays.toString(fileChooserParams.getAcceptTypes()));
// PRINTS [.jpg,.png,.tiff,.jpeg,.tif,.pdf] !!
try {
parentEngine.cordova.startActivityForResult(new CordovaPlugin() {
public void onActivityResult(int requestCode, int resultCode, Intent intent) {
// ...
} catch (ActivityNotFoundException e) {
// ...
return true;
The problem is that when the external library that I must use (ng-file-upload
) triggers the execution of this method, the mime types passed as argument in fileChooserParams are: [.jpg,.png,.tiff,.jpeg,.tif,.pdf]
. I don't see most of these in the list of allowed mime types.
As a consequence I find this error in LogCat:
No activity found to handle file chooser intent.: android.content.ActivityNotFoundException: No Activity found to handle Intent { act=android.intent.action.GET_CONTENT cat=[android.intent.category.OPENABLE] typ=.jpg,.png,.tiff,.jpeg,.tif,.pdf }
If I simply add intent.setType("image/* application/pdf");
everything works as expected!
Now the question is: in the Merge Request that I want to submit to cordova-android's contributors how do I safely transform the fileChooserParams to the correct format?
I improved the solution using this code:
// Validation utility for mime types
private List<String> extractValidMimeTypes(String[] mimeTypes) {
List<String> results = new ArrayList<String>();
List<String> mimes;
if (mimeTypes.length() == 1 && mimeTypes[0].contains(",")) {
mimes = Arrays.asList(mimeTypes[0].split(","));
} else {
mimes = Arrays.asList(mimeTypes);
MimeTypeMap mtm = MimeTypeMap.getSingleton();
for (String mime : mimes) {
if (mime != null && mime.trim().startsWith(".")) {
String extensionWithoutDot = mime.trim().substring(1, mime.trim().length());
String derivedMime = mtm.getMimeTypeFromExtension(extensionWithoutDot);
if (derivedMime != null && !results.contains(derivedMime)) {
// adds valid mime type derived from the file extension
} else if (mtm.getExtensionFromMimeType(mime) != null && !results.contains(mime)) {
// adds valid mime type checked agains file extensions mappings
return results;
public boolean onShowFileChooser(WebView webView, final ValueCallback<Uri[]> filePathsCallback, final WebChromeClient.FileChooserParams fileChooserParams) {
Intent intent = fileChooserParams.createIntent();
List<String> validMimeTypes = extractValidMimeTypes(fileChooserParams.getAcceptTypes());
if (validMimeTypes.isEmpty()) {
} else {
intent.setType(String.join(" ", validMimeTypes));
See my Pull Request for more details.