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When I change routes, the URL updates correctly, but the component for the route doesn't load

can someone help me? When I change routes, the URL updates correctly, but the component for the route doesn't load, and I can't figure out why.

I have an app.routes.ts file with a settings route that loads a set of routes from settings.routes.ts. Inside that, I have an account route, but when I navigate to this route, the component doesn't load.

// app.routes.ts

export const routes: Routes = [
        path: '',
        redirectTo: 'tabs',
        pathMatch: 'full',
        path: 'tabs',
        loadChildren: () => import('./pages/tabs/tabs.routes').then(m => m.routes)
        path: 'club',
        loadComponent: () => import('./features/clovis-club/components/clovis-club/clovis-club.component').then((m) => m.ClovisClubComponent),
        path: 'settings',
        loadChildren: () => import('./features/settings/settings.routes').then(m => m.routes)

// settings.routes.ts
export const routes: Routes = [
        path: '',
        component: SettingsComponent,
        children: [
                path: '',
                redirectTo: '',
                pathMatch: 'full'
                path: 'account',
                loadComponent: () => import('./components/my-account/my-account.component').then( m => m.MyAccountComponent)





    If you want routing at the same level, then move the children to the top level as shown below.

    // settings.routes.ts
    export const routes: Routes = [
             path: 'account',
             loadComponent: () => import('./components/my-account/my-account.component').then( m => m.MyAccountComponent)
            path: '',
            component: SettingsComponent,
            path: '**',
            redirectTo: '',
            pathMatch: 'full'

    Make sure you have RouterOutlet import in SettingsComponent.

    Make sure you have <router-outlet/> in SettingsComponent HTML.

    Make sure you remove this line.

        path: '',
        redirectTo: '',
        pathMatch: 'full',