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Google Api Error: forbidden: The caller does not have permission - The caller does not have permission

In android deployment from ionic appflow getting below error

Google Api Error: forbidden: The caller does not have permission - The caller does not have permission

  • Added service account with service account user role, owner
  • Grant Admin access in play console.
  • upload the json key to appflow


  • I had a very similar issue when deploying to the playstore with fastlane on the command line. I think my solution will work for you too.

    Here's my full error message from the command line:

    [!] Google Api Error: Invalid request - The caller does not have permission

    So what does it mean? Well, since it is a Google API Error we can narrow things down a lot. That means that the error is on the Google Cloud side and that our fastlane installation, our ruby installation, our OS and so on are all probably fine.

    Fix it in the Google Play Console

    Go to the Google Play Console and find the API Access Section under Setup -> API Access in the navigation panel on the left

    enter image description here

    On the API Access page click the “View Play Console permissions” link. You may have to scroll down a bit. It’s going to be attached to the service account that you made for your app.

    enter image description here

    Click on the “Account permissions” tab

    enter image description here

    Click the Admin checkmark in the “App Access” section and this will fix your error.

    enter image description here

    I have opened a Github Issue here:

    To request that this information be added to the documentation. Feel free to checkout that Github issue as well.