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#value error in user defined function

I wrote a VBA function that checks several things and returns a code that triggers conditional formatting. Everything works well except that the formula often triggers a #value error. It does this for all cells containing the formula (a few thousands). The error appears whenever I open another workbook. It sometimes happen when I don't open another workbook.

The function is here:

  Function jjcheck(STDTRow As Integer, cuCOL As Integer, cuMax As Integer, trmEnd As Integer, trmEMax As Integer, worksheetSRC As String, lstCTCT As Date) As Variant
   'use in spreadsheet =jjcheck(B2,Variables!$G$4,Variables!$G$2,Variables!$F$2,"SRM",U2)
   Dim V() As String, dayMax As Integer, lookup As Date, theDiff As Integer, lstContact As String
   V = Split(ActiveWorkbook.ActiveSheet.Cells(1, 2).Value, "-"): dayMax = V(1): theDiff = 256
   lookup = lstCTCT
   theDiff = DateDiff("d", lookup, Date): lstContact = ""
   If theDiff > dayMax Then lstContact = "Alert"
   Dim STDcu As Integer, STtrmEnd As Date, daysTOtrmend As Integer
   STDcu = ActiveWorkbook.Worksheets(worksheetSRC).Cells(STDTRow, cuCOL).Value
   STtrmEnd = ActiveWorkbook.Worksheets(worksheetSRC).Cells(STDTRow, trmEnd).Value
   daysTOtrmend = DateDiff("d", Date, STtrmEnd)
   If STDcu < cuMax And daysTOtrmend < trmEMax Then
       jjcheck = "CHECK" & lstContact
   ElseIf daysTOtrmend < trmEMax / 2 Then
       jjcheck = "ETerm" & lstContact
       jjcheck = "" & lstContact
   End If
End Function

suspecting that the error might be due to the times cell U2 is empty,I changed what I put for lstCTCT to IF(ISBLANK(U2),TODAY(),U2) That did not seem to help.The image shows what happens in the worksheet Thanks for any insight you can give on that.


  • Let me know if this makes any difference? The main change is from ActiveWorkbook to ThisWorkbook. (a few others just to tidy up)

    Function jjcheck(STDTRow As Integer, cuCOL As Integer, cuMax As Integer, trmEnd     As Integer, trmEMax As Integer, worksheetSRC As String, lstCTCT As Date) as Variant
    'use in spreadsheet   =jjcheck(B2,Variables!$G$4,Variables!$G$2,Variables!$F$2,"SRM",U2)
    Dim V() As String, lstContact As String
    Dim dayMax As Integer, theDiff As Integer, STDcu As Integer, daysTOtrmend As Integer
    Dim lookup As Date, STtrmEnd As Date
    STDcu = ThisWorkbook.Worksheets(worksheetSRC).Cells(STDTRow, cuCOL).Value
    STtrmEnd = ThisWorkbook.Worksheets(worksheetSRC).Cells(STDTRow, trmEnd).Value
    daysTOtrmend = DateDiff("d", Date, STtrmEnd)
    V = Split(ThisWorkbook.ActiveSheet.Cells(1, 2).Value, "-"): dayMax = V(1): theDiff = 256
    lookup = lstCTCT
    theDiff = DateDiff("d", lookup, Date): lstContact = vbNulltring
    If theDiff > dayMax Then lstContact = "Alert"
    If STDcu < cuMax And daysTOtrmend < trmEMax Then
        jjcheck = "CHECK" & lstContact
    ElseIf daysTOtrmend < trmEMax / 2 Then
        jjcheck = "ETerm" & lstContact
        jjcheck = vbNullString & lstContact
    End If
    End Function