I configured my global custom analyzer in elasticsearch.yml,here is my configuration:
index :
analysis :
analyzer :
titleAnalyzer :
type : custom
tokenizer : ik_max_word
filter : [titleSynoymFilter, englishStemmerFilter]
filter :
titleSynoymFilter :
type : synonym
synonyms_path : ../analysis/title_synonym.txt
englishStemmerFilter :
type : stemmer
name : english
then I test my analyzer by running command $ echo 'A drop in the ocean'| http :5600/_analyze?analyzer=titleAnalyzer
but elasticsearch told me it failed to find the analyzer:
"error": {
"reason": "failed to find analyzer [titleAnalyzer]",
"root_cause": [
"reason": "[elastisearch][][indices:admin/analyze[s]]",
"type": "remote_transport_exception"
"type": "illegal_argument_exception"
"status": 400
If you call /_analyze
on the root path the analyzer is not found, try specifying at least one existing index on the path
$ echo 'A drop in the ocean'| http :5600/some_index/_analyze?analyzer=titleAnalyzer
add an index here