I have an elasticsearch company index spreaded among 6 shards. In my index i got a sorted name field that is indexed like this:
indexes target_model.sorted_name,
type: :keyword,
fields: {
as_text: {
type: :text,
norms: false,
as: :sorted_name
def sorted_name
No special analyzers have been used. Disabled norms to not to count field length
I need to perform a search query that would boost results with the exact match.
For example, within documents that have sorted_name
fields like Aliance, Aliance-B2B New York, New Aliance Company - I need 'Aliance' to be with the highest score.
Using query like this gives all this fields the same score.
:should => [
:match_phrase => {
:"sorted_name.as_text" => {
:query => "альянс",
:boost => 5
:match => {
:"sorted_name.as_text" => {
:query => "альянс",
:boost => 2
:match_phrase_prefix => {
:"sorted_name.as_text" => {
:query => "альянс"
:minimum_should_match => 1
Can't figure out why this happens
All 3 terms have an exact text match on one of the stored tokens ("Aliance"). And you disabled norms, so they all score equally
For the mentioned case you could add a field with keyword (noop) analyzer and query on that. This would boost exact matches on the full term above the rest