I am trying to search a particular string against all indexes and fields in elastic search. I was able to get all the indices and search a particular field against the string. How can I get the list of field names in a particular index?
def check_name_query(self):
es = Elasticsearch("http://localhost:9200")
indexlist = es.indices.get_alias()
print "indices:", indexlist
text_val = self.textin.text
for ind in es.indices.get('*'):
print ind
res = es.search(index=ind, body={'query': {'wildcard': {'name': "*" + text_val + "*"}}})
print res['hits']['hits']
This code gets all indices and checks if there is a field name with the value in textinput. Ideally i want to get check against all fields. Thanks in advance!
from elasticsearch import Elasticsearch
es = Elasticsearch()
indices_names = []
for elem in es.cat.indices(format="json"):
indices_names.append( elem['index'] )
dict_index_fields = {}
for index in indices_names:
mapping = es.indices.get_mapping(index)
dict_index_fields[index] = []
for field in mapping[index]['mappings']['properties']: