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How to log using serilog to elasticsearch with Elastic.Serilog.Sinks in .net application

I want to log to elasticsearch using serilog.

I have added Elastic.Serilog.Sinks package to my application. But there is no way to pass username and password while configuring serilog elasticsearch config.

My assumption is that I would need to pass log index name, url, username, password while configuring serilog with elasticsearch sink.

Above url has example to configure using url. Also, there is no index name.

Is log index name and data stream name same ?

How to pass username and password while configuring serilog elasticsearch configuration ?


  • You could install Elastic.Clients.Elasticsearch and try this

    var settings = new ElasticsearchClientSettings(new Uri(""))
            .Authentication(new BasicAuthentication("elastic", "xxx"));
    var esClient = new ElasticsearchClient(settings);
    var esOptions = new ElasticsearchSinkOptions(esClient.Transport)
        BootstrapMethod = BootstrapMethod.Failure,
    Log.Logger = new LoggerConfiguration()

    Or this:

    Log.Logger = new LoggerConfiguration()
     .WriteTo.Elasticsearch([new Uri("")], opts =>
         opts.BootstrapMethod = BootstrapMethod.Failure;
     }, transport =>
         transport.Authentication(new BasicAuthentication("elastic", "xxx"));