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SSRS expression based on Field value

I have a matrix report. i am calculating by using this expression,

=switch(Fields!Type.Value = "ATHLETE",Sum(Fields!JnlAmt.Value)
,Fields!Type.Value = "Type",0.8*Sum(Fields!JnlAmt.Value)
,Fields!Type.Value = "VENUE", Sum(Fields!JnlAmt.Value))

Now i would like to find the difference of Athlete and Type

=Sum(Fields!JnlAmt.Value) [from Athlete] - 0.8*Sum(Fields!JnlAmt.Value) [from Type]

I need help to write an expression for this. If you need more information, let me know. Please any help, any taught is welocme.


  • I think you can achieve that by using a conditionally Sum(). Despite I know nothing about grouping and data arrangement in your matrix, I think you are looking for this expression:


    I've created a simple matrix for example purpose.

    enter image description here

    6 - (0.8 * 15) = -6

    Hopefully this what you are looking for, let me know if this helps.