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How to understand this code of programming a DSP?

My "Introduction to Digital Signal Processor" course is using C2000 Piccolo Launchpad to teach digital signal processors.

At present, I am totally lost. Coz, my instructor is seemingly not interested to provide us any material to study at home.

For example,

The following code is from Texas Instrument's controlSUITE package.

//  File:   f2802x_examples/timed_led_blink/Example_F2802xLedBlink.c
//  Title:  F2802x LED Blink Getting Started Program.
//  Group:          C2000
//  Target Device:  TMS320F2802x
//! \addtogroup example_list
//!  <h1>LED Blink</h1>
//!   This example configures CPU Timer0 for a 500 msec period, and toggles 
//!   the GPIO0-4 LEDs  once per interrupt. For testing purposes, this example
//!   also increments a counter each time the timer asserts an interrupt.
//!   Watch Variables:
//!   - interruptCount
//!   Monitor the GPIO0-4 LEDs blink on (for 500 msec) and off (for 500 msec) 
//!   on the 2802x0 control card.
//  (C) Copyright 2012, Texas Instruments, Inc.
// $TI Release: PACKAGE NAME $
// $Release Date: PACKAGE RELEASE DATE $

#include "DSP28x_Project.h"   // Device Headerfile and Examples Include File

#include "f2802x_common/include/adc.h"
#include "f2802x_common/include/clk.h"
#include "f2802x_common/include/flash.h"
#include "f2802x_common/include/gpio.h"
#include "f2802x_common/include/pie.h"
#include "f2802x_common/include/pll.h"
#include "f2802x_common/include/timer.h"
#include "f2802x_common/include/wdog.h"

// Prototype statements for functions found within this file.
__interrupt void cpu_timer0_isr(void);

uint16_t interruptCount = 0;

ADC_Handle myAdc;
CLK_Handle myClk;
FLASH_Handle myFlash;
GPIO_Handle myGpio;
PIE_Handle myPie;
TIMER_Handle myTimer;

void main(void)

    CPU_Handle myCpu;
    PLL_Handle myPll;
    WDOG_Handle myWDog;

    // Initialize all the handles needed for this application    
    myAdc = ADC_init((void *)ADC_BASE_ADDR, sizeof(ADC_Obj));
    myClk = CLK_init((void *)CLK_BASE_ADDR, sizeof(CLK_Obj));
    myCpu = CPU_init((void *)NULL, sizeof(CPU_Obj));
    myFlash = FLASH_init((void *)FLASH_BASE_ADDR, sizeof(FLASH_Obj));
    myGpio = GPIO_init((void *)GPIO_BASE_ADDR, sizeof(GPIO_Obj));
    myPie = PIE_init((void *)PIE_BASE_ADDR, sizeof(PIE_Obj));
    myPll = PLL_init((void *)PLL_BASE_ADDR, sizeof(PLL_Obj));
    myTimer = TIMER_init((void *)TIMER0_BASE_ADDR, sizeof(TIMER_Obj));
    myWDog = WDOG_init((void *)WDOG_BASE_ADDR, sizeof(WDOG_Obj));

    // Perform basic system initialization    

    //Select the internal oscillator 1 as the clock source
    CLK_setOscSrc(myClk, CLK_OscSrc_Internal);

    // Setup the PLL for x10 /2 which will yield 50Mhz = 10Mhz * 10 / 2
    PLL_setup(myPll, PLL_Multiplier_10, PLL_DivideSelect_ClkIn_by_2);

    // Disable the PIE and all interrupts

    // If running from flash copy RAM only functions to RAM   
#ifdef _FLASH
    memcpy(&RamfuncsRunStart, &RamfuncsLoadStart, (size_t)&RamfuncsLoadSize);

    // Setup a debug vector table and enable the PIE

    // Register interrupt handlers in the PIE vector table
    PIE_registerPieIntHandler(myPie, PIE_GroupNumber_1, PIE_SubGroupNumber_7, (intVec_t)&cpu_timer0_isr);

    // Configure CPU-Timer 0 to interrupt every 500 milliseconds:
    // 60MHz CPU Freq, 50 millisecond Period (in uSeconds)
    //    ConfigCpuTimer(&CpuTimer0, 60, 500000);
    TIMER_setPeriod(myTimer, 50 * 500000);
    TIMER_setPreScaler(myTimer, 0);
    TIMER_setEmulationMode(myTimer, TIMER_EmulationMode_StopAfterNextDecrement);


    // Configure GPIO 0-3 as outputs
    GPIO_setMode(myGpio, GPIO_Number_0, GPIO_0_Mode_GeneralPurpose);
    GPIO_setMode(myGpio, GPIO_Number_1, GPIO_0_Mode_GeneralPurpose);
    GPIO_setMode(myGpio, GPIO_Number_2, GPIO_0_Mode_GeneralPurpose);
    GPIO_setMode(myGpio, GPIO_Number_3, GPIO_0_Mode_GeneralPurpose);

    GPIO_setDirection(myGpio, GPIO_Number_0, GPIO_Direction_Output);
    GPIO_setDirection(myGpio, GPIO_Number_1, GPIO_Direction_Output);
    GPIO_setDirection(myGpio, GPIO_Number_2, GPIO_Direction_Output);
    GPIO_setDirection(myGpio, GPIO_Number_3, GPIO_Direction_Output);

    GPIO_setLow(myGpio, GPIO_Number_0);
    GPIO_setHigh(myGpio, GPIO_Number_1);
    GPIO_setLow(myGpio, GPIO_Number_2);
    GPIO_setHigh(myGpio, GPIO_Number_3);

    // Enable CPU INT1 which is connected to CPU-Timer 0:
    CPU_enableInt(myCpu, CPU_IntNumber_1);

    // Enable TINT0 in the PIE: Group 1 interrupt 7

    // Enable global Interrupts and higher priority real-time debug events

        __asm(" NOP");


__interrupt void cpu_timer0_isr(void)

    // Toggle GPIOs
    GPIO_toggle(myGpio, GPIO_Number_0);
    GPIO_toggle(myGpio, GPIO_Number_1);
    GPIO_toggle(myGpio, GPIO_Number_2);
    GPIO_toggle(myGpio, GPIO_Number_3);

    // Acknowledge this interrupt to receive more interrupts from group 1
    PIE_clearInt(myPie, PIE_GroupNumber_1);

// No more.

As I can see, there are lots of things going on here. But, I am finding no place to learn the basics of coding C2000.

I have some basic questions:

(1) What does __interrupt and __asm keywords do? Where can I find the reference for those keywords?

(2) How do I know that how many handles I need? For example, for this LED blinking application, they have declared 9 handles. Why?

(3) What is a "Base Address"?

(4) Why is WachDog disabled? Why are PIE and CPU and their interrupts disabled?

(5) What is timer-prescalar?

(6) What is timer-emulation-mode?

(7) What does GPIO_setmode do? What is the mode about?

(8) Where can I start to learn all these details?

Is this a good material to start with or the waste of time?


    1. What does __interrupt and __asm keywords do? Where can I find the reference for those keywords?

    __interrupt tells the compiler to wrap the function with code appropriate for the platform, typically to save and restore registers that the function uses so the interrupted code is not affected, and to return with a "return from interrupt" instruction rather than a "return from subroutine" instruction

    __asm tells the compiler to insert a machine level instruction in the output of the compiler before it is sent to the assembler

    1. How do I know that how many handles I need? For example, for this LED blinking application, they have declared 9 handles. Why?

    Because the code uses those nine hardware subsystems, as defined by the TI libraries and header files

    1. What is a "Base Address"?

    In the hardware, there are groups of resisters that control hardware functions such as I/O, timers, etc. Each group of registers is assigned a memory range, starting at the base address. There may be several identical groups, e.g., several timers. By using a base address for each group, the code to handle that function, e.g., a timer, can be shared among all the instances.

    1. Why is WachDog disabled? Why are PIE and CPU and their interrupts disabled?

    I suspect that whatever initialization is being performed takes longer than the watchdog interval, so it is disabled to prevent the CPU from being reset by the watchdog

    1. What is timer-prescalar?

    It is a divider of the timer's source clock to create an appropriate resolution and range for the timer

    1. What is timer-emulation-mode?

    I don't know. Perhaps it's just a weird name for "mode." Or maybe it is a legacy mode.

    1. What does GPIO_setmode do? What is the mode about?

    The GPIO hardware must have options to, e.g., attach an interrupt to an edge, or change slew rates or hysteresis, or any of a number of things.

    1. Where can I start to learn all these details?

    C2000 Piccolo Reference Manual C2000 Piccolo Data Sheet Compiler documentation controlSUITE package documentation