Search code examples

elasticsearch-head nothing to see in browser

First step in the bigdata world, trying to be confortable with elasticsearch.

I found some nice tutorial and they ask me to install the plugin head. When I creat my index everything going nice (from Sense plugin on Chrome)

 POST /gil/tuto/
    "title": "Tuto 1",
    "categorie": "Tuto Elasticsearch ",
    "tag": ["Elasticsearch", "tuto", "ES"],
    "duration": 42

Doing a GET return a json as excepted.

With head plugin I can see my index but in the browser tab I see nothing, nada, rien du tout.

I reinstall everything from scratch but I still get the problem.

Any idea how to fix this ?


The problem come from the _type. From the sense or head plugin : If I try to GET POST or DELETE /XXX, It works. If I try to GET POST or DELETE /XXX/YYY/ZZZ, It works.

But If I try to GET POST or DELETE /XXX/YYY I have an error.

I think the browser tab use a GET on every _type to load the data.

Something wrong happen with the _type of my _index.

I erase every _index I have. Create a new one. Same trouble.


  • I finally find out why Head doesn't act all the tutorials out there ! I have installed ES2.0, all the tutorial were made with < ES2.0.

    Also the head plugin seems to not be working well with this version. Someone advice me about the plugin kopf

    bin/plugin install lmenezes/elasticsearch-kopf

    Looking good (AngulasJS/Botstrap/Material Design like) and working good too.