Is there a feature in JetBrains AppCode allowing to display automatically the .h associated with the opened .m file (and the other way around).
The associated file would be displayed in a tab of a splitted window (Available through the AppCode menu "Window > Editor Tabs > Split Vertically").
I'm looking for a feature similar to Xcode "automatic counterparts" feature (see picture )
I don't think this is possible in an automatic way. But BTW: Xcode almost never displays what you need in the Assistant Editor.
Similar to Xcode, it's possible to switch between .h und .m files with a key command. Having switched, you might want to open e.g. .m file in a split editor (as you described it). Then simply switch back to the .h file in the original window - and there you are.
It takes some more time to get into AppCode. But it's worth it.