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Version of Delve is too old for Go version 1.20.0 (maximum supported version 1.19)

When start debbugging session in GoLand I get this error:

WARNING: undefined behavior - version of Delve is too old for Go version 1.20.0 (maximum supported version 1.19)

I reinstall it with JetBrains Toolbox and didn't work. I uninstall it and install it manualy and didn't work!

The IDE maintainers say that GoLand didn't update delve when updating the IDE version in SOME CONDITIONS!


  • I was using GoLand 2022.3.2, recently 2022.3.3 was released and I update it to the latest version, and the issue was resolved.

    I don't think it solves the problem entirely and I may hit it again in the future. So, I hope they fix it in a complete manner.