We are seeing the following error in a Bitrise build of an Android project.
Could not GET 'http://tokbox.bintray.com/maven/org/jetbrains/anko/anko-commons/0.10.8/anko-commons-0.10.8.pom'. Received status code 403 from server: Forbidden
I know anko commons was deprecated some time ago but this has been working up until now. Just trying to determine if this is a permanent thing, or it has something to do with the Crowdstrike snafu. Seems like if it weren't available permanently it would report something other than a 403.
Clearly this dependency needs to be removed, but that will take a while and we're trying to do a release. Even a short-term solution would be helpful because it would allow us to get the release out and then address this immediately after.
As far as I can tell, anko is no longer available. The app was using a small number of convenience functions from anko, and so I created equivalent functions in the project and replaced the anko functions with those. I think anko is mostly convenience functions so I doubt there is a replacement for it.