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How to launch PyCharm from terminal/command prompt

How can I launch PyCharm from terminal/command prompt? I tried charm, charm., pycharm., pycharm.

None of these commands work.

Is it possible to open/launch PyCharm from a command prompt/terminal?


  • From examining the shortcut on my Ubuntu desktop (on which I have the community version of Pycharm installed) the command it runs is "pycharm-community" So this works when run in a terminal, for example:

    pycharm-community &

    If you are using Windows, you can use the same trick to find out where Pycharm is installed (examining the shortcut on your start menu or desktop). For me, it is:

    "C:\Program Files (x86)\JetBrains\PyCharm 2016.3.1\bin\pycharm64.exe"

    Running that from a git bash prompt launches Pycharm for me.

    You probably want to examine your own shortcut to find the correct location on your computer.

    You can find the shortcut file from the Start Menu by right-clicking on the Pycharm entry and selecting Open file location. Or you can just look at the shortcut on your desktop if you have one there.

    When you have located the shortcut file, right-click it, click Properties, select the Shortcut tab, and look in the field called Target: to see the location of the Pycharm executable.