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GDB and trouble with core dumps

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$ uname -a
Linux hostmachine 4.1.2-2-ARCH #1 SMP PREEMPT Wed Jul 15 08:30:32 UTC 2015 x86_64 GNU/Linux

I'm trying to learn how to use GDB for debugging C programs. I think it would be particularly excellent if I could use GDB to ferret out bugs that lead to segfaults. I have a small program that I've written as a solution to K&R's exercise 1-13, and given an input string of a certain size it will generate a segfault:

$ ~/learning_c/KR_exercises/chapter_1/1.13.x`

--I provide a string from stdin, and...--

Segmentation fault (core dumped)

According to the Arch wiki, "Systemd's default behavior is to generate core dumps for all processes in /var/lib/systemd/coredump/."

Okie doke:

$ls /var/lib/systemd/coredump/core.1\x2e13\x2ex.1000.0da6be3a2b4647c8befe14e0e73af848.1719.1438627150000000.lz4

But when I run:

$ gdb -q ~/learning_c/KR_exercises/chapter_1/1.13.x /var/lib/systemd/coredump/core.1\\x2e13\\x2ex.1000.0da6be3a2b4647c8befe14e0e73af848.1719.1438627150000000.lz4

I get:

Reading symbols from /home/dean/learning_c/KR_exercises/chapter_1/1.13.x...done.
"/var/lib/systemd/coredump/core.1\x2e13\x2ex.1000.0da6be3a2b4647c8befe14e0e73af848.1719.1438627150000000.lz4" is not a core dump: File format not recognized

Trying to generate a core dump by attaching GDB to the process as detailed here only makes my terminal emulator start capturing control characters (^D, ^C, and ^Z won't work in emulator after attaching GDB), and if a segfault is occuring after attaching GDB it isn't being reported in the shell.

Help me to understand, oh merciful and beneficent lords of Stack Overflow!


I've solved this particular issue, thanks largely to WhozCraig, whom suggested that GDB was behaving as it should have when being force-fed an lz4 compressed corefile. If Craig would be so kind as to post a solution saying something similar, I'd be happy to give him that big 'ol check mark.

The easist solution is to start gdb via a subroutine named coredumpctl along with the crashed program's PID, a la

$coredumpctl gdb *PID HERE*

This vexes me, Arch, and I may migrate over to Gentoo because of it.


  • I've solved this particular issue, thanks largely to WhozCraig, whom suggested that GDB was behaving as it should have when being force-fed an LZ4 compressed corefile. If Craig would be so kind as to post a solution saying something similar, I'd be happy to give him that big 'ol check mark I'm taking all the credit, though. Bwahahaha!

    The easiest solution is to start gdb via a subroutine named coredumpctl along with the crashed program's PID, a la

    $coredumpctl gdb PID HERE

    This vexes me, Arch, and I may migrate over to Gentoo because of it.