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What makes D a good language?

My professor recommended I do my senior capstone in D. What can it be used for? What makes it good? He compared it to C/C++ and said it's better. Why?

This post just makes D less attractive to work with:

Why isn't D picking up?


  • Compared to C and C++, it is safer, meaning that it cannot create the same sorts of segmentation faults by accessing uninitialized or disallowed memory. It also wouldn't allow misunderstanding object types like C/C++ casts can do with pointers and explicit memory allocation and deallocation. This makes the language "cleaner" feeling in some sense.

    Prior to C++ standard version 2008, D also supported better delegation. Nowadays C++ is pretty close to D delegation capabilities by providing perfect forwarding.

    D delegation:

    C++ perfect forwarding: