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Is there a flat unsorted map/set implementation?

There is the boost.container flat_map and others, and the Loki AssocVector and many others like these which keep the elements sorted.

Is there a modern (c++11 move-enabled, etc.) implementation of an unsorted vector adapted as a map/set?

The idea is to use it for very small maps/sets (less than 20 elements) and with simple keys (for which hashing wouldn't always make sense)


  • Something like this?

    template<class Key, class Value, template<class...>class Storage=std::vector>
    struct flat_map {
      struct kv {
        Key k;
        Value v;
        template<class K, class V>
        kv( K&& kin, V&& vin ):k(std::forward<K>(kin)), v(std::forward<V>(vin)){}
      using storage_t = Storage<kv>;
      storage_t storage;
      // TODO: adl upgrade
      using iterator=decltype(std::begin(std::declval<storage_t&>()));
      using const_iterator=decltype(std::begin(std::declval<const storage_t&>()));
      // boilerplate:
      iterator begin() {
        using std::begin;
        return begin(storage);
      const_iterator begin() const {
        using std::begin;
        return begin(storage);
      const_iterator cbegin() const {
        using std::begin;
        return begin(storage);
      iterator end() {
        using std::end;
        return end(storage);
      const_iterator end() const {
        using std::end;
        return end(storage);
      const_iterator cend() const {
        using std::end;
        return end(storage);
      size_t size() const {
        return storage.size();
      bool empty() const {
        return storage.empty();
      // these only have to be valid if called:
      void reserve(size_t n) {
      size_t capacity() const {
        return storage.capacity();
      // map-like interface:
      // TODO: SFINAE check for type of key
      template<class K>
      Value& operator[](K&& k){
        auto it = find(k);
        if (it != end()) return it->v;
        storage.emplace_back( std::forward<K>(k), Value{} );
        return storage.back().v;
    private: // C++14, but you can just inject the lambda at point of use in 11:
      template<class K>
      auto key_match( K& k ) {
        return [&k](kv const& kv){
          return kv.k == k;
      template<class K>
      iterator find(K&& k) {
        return std::find_if( begin(), end(), key_match(k) );
      template<class K>
      const_iterator find(K&& k) const {
        return const_cast<flat_map*>(this)->find(k);
      // iterator-less query functions:
      template<class K>
      Value* get(K&& k) {
        auto it = find(std::forward<K>(k));
        if (it==end()) return nullptr;
        return std::addressof(it->v);
      template<class K>
      Value const* get(K&& k) const {
        return const_cast<flat_map*>(this)->get(std::forward<K>(k));
      // key-based erase: (SFINAE should be is_comparible, but that doesn't exist)
      template<class K, class=std::enable_if_t<std::is_converible<K, Key>{}>>
      bool erase(K&& k) {
        auto it = std::remove(
          storage.begin(), storage.end(), key_match(std::forward<K>(k))
        if (it == storage.end()) return false;
        storage.erase( it, storage.end() );
        return true;
      // classic erase, for iterating:
      iterator erase(const_iterator it) {
        return storage.erase(it);
      template<class K2, class V2,
          std::is_convertible< K2, Key >{}&&
          std::is_convertible< V2, Value >{}
      void set( K2&& kin, V2&& vin ) {
        auto it = find(kin);
        if (it != end()){
          it->second = std::forward<V2>(vin);
        } else {
          storage.emplace_back( std::forward<K2>(kin), std::forward<V2>(vin) );

    I left the container type as a template argument, so you can use a SBO vector-like structure if you choose.

    In theory, I should expose a template parameter for replacing equals on the keys. I did, however, make the key-search functions transparent.