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when the shared pointers gets destroyed?

I am reading the following piece of code as explained by the comments.

#include <memory>

struct myClass {
    ~myClass() {
        cout << "dtor" << endl;

void myFunc() {
    shared_ptr<myClass> sp2;
        shared_ptr<myClass> sp( new myClass);
        myClass& obj = *sp;
        sp2 = sp; // OK, resource shared
        myClass& obj2 = *sp; // OK, both pointers point to same resource
        // sp destroyed here, yet no freeing: sp2 still alive
    cout << "out of inner block" << endl;
    // sp2 destroyed here, reference count goes to 0, memory is freed

My question is, how come both pointers point to same resource for myClass& obj2 = *sp;? And why is sp destroyed at point where we reach the comment // sp2 destroyed here, reference count goes to 0, memory is freed?


  • My question is that how come both pointers point to same resource for myClass& obj2 = *sp;?

    That does not make sense. They probably meant:

    myClass& obj2 = *sp2; // OK, both pointers point to same resource
                     ^^^ sp2, not sp

    And why sp is destroyed at the the place where as commented?

    That's because sp is constructed in a nested scope introduced by

    shared_ptr<myClass> sp2;
    {  // This starts a new scope
    } // This ends the scope

    At the end of the nested scope, all automatic variables are destructed.

    From the standard:

    3.7.3 Automatic storage duration []

    1 Block-scope variables explicitly declared register or not explicitly declared static or extern have automatic storage duration. The storage for these entities lasts until the block in which they are created exits.