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Dynamic Memory Allocation

How malloc() stores metadata?

void* p;
void* q;
p = malloc(sizeof(char));
q = malloc(sizeof(int));

I know that the return value p[0] points to the start of allocated block of memory,

than if I iterate and print

p[-1], p[-2].... q[-1], q[-2]....

or p[1], p[2], p[3], p[4].... or q[1], q[2], q[3], q[4]....

I find some value that help malloc() to store data howether I can t understand precisely what that metadata means..I only know that some of them are for block size, for the adress of the next free block but i can t find on the web nothing more

Please, Can you give me some detailed explanation of those value?


  • David Hoelzer has an excellent answer, but I wanted to follow it up a touch more:

    "Meta Data" for malloc is 100% implementation driven. Here is a quick overview of some implementations I have written or used:

    • The meta data stores "next" block pointers.
    • It stores canary values to make sure you haven't written passed the end of a block
    • There is no meta data at all because all the blocks are the same size and they are placed in a stack to allow O(1) access - A Unit Allocator. In this case, you'd hit memory from an adjacent block.
    • The data stores next block ptr, prev block ptr, alignment id, block size, and an identifier that tells a memory debugger exactly where the allocation occured. Very useful for leak tracking.
    • It hits the previous block's info because the data is stored at the tail of the block instead of the head...

    Or mix and match all the above. In any case, reading mem[-1] is a bad idea, and in some cases (thinking embedded systems), could indeed cause a segment fault on only a read if said read happen to address beyond the current memory page and into a forbidden area of memory.

    Update as per OP

    The 4th scheme I described is one that has quite a bit of information per block - 16-bytes of information not being uncommon as that size won't throw off common alignment schemes. It would contain a 4-byte pointer to the next allocated block, a 4-byte pointer to the previous, an identifier for alignment - a single byte can handle this directly for common sizes of 0-256 byte alignement, but that byte could also represent 256 possible alignment enum values instead, 3 bytes of pad or canary values, and a 4-byte unique identifier to identify where in the code the call was made, though it could be made smaller. This can be a lookup value to a debug table that contains __file__, __line__, and whatever other info you wish to save with the alloction.

    This would be one of the heavier varieties as it has a lot of information that needs to be updated when values are allocated and freed.