For some reason when I run my game the camera which follows the player has a slight jitter to it. If I watch the transform the Y position values are fluxuating and the rotation is affected aswell. I can not think of any reason for this to be happening other than maybe having more than one camera as my water comes with a 'reflection camera'. I am using basic unity packages, and even when rewriting the camera follow script, the problem still occurs.
I know there is not much to go on here, as the code is minimal for this issue(using 3rd person controller and camera components). I hope someone has had this error in the past and fixed it or knows enough about unity to help me out here because im lost.
Much appreciated
Dont know if animations could be effecting it but I thought id mention my model has animations
To resolve your problem. Click Assets->Import Package-> Characters Uncheck everything Execpt. SmoothFollow.
Drag Smooth Follow to your Camera. Drag your Character to the Target from Smooth Follow Script.
If this doesn't fix the issue. Try to remove your own script.