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same clearcase vob in two windows servers

is it possible to have a copy of the vob in a different machine for testing purpose ?

I know I can move the vob to another server using moving a vob

But , doing this makes the vob unavailable at the original location. So, a live vob cannot be used this way as people would be accessing it from old location.


  • is it possible to have a copy of the vob in a different machine for testing purpose ?

    Yes, the "moving vob" procedure would still apply.
    You only need to register it to a different registry server, and preferably with a different tag.
    That means: no need for a -replace option:

    cleartool register -vob \\vobsvr01\vobstg\libpub.vbs
    cleartool mktag -vob -tag \libpub \\vobsvr01\vobstg\libpub.vbs

    That way, the live vob remains accessible.