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C# equivalent of Visual Basic Code with CType

I know that I can explicitly convert types in C# with the notation: (Type)Object.
I am translating Visual Basic code to C#.

VB code:

TempTrans(j) = CType(FillTranslator.IndxLanguage.Item(j), Translator.IndxLangauges.IndxTranslation).Translations.Item(Row.Name.Trim) //This is the line I need help with!

Here is a struct (from the class Translator)

Structure IndxLangauges
     Public IndxLanguage As Collection
     Structure IndxTranslation
           Public Language As Integer
           Public Name As String
           Public Translations As Collection
     End Structure
End Structure


Private Shared FillTranslator As Translator.IndxLangauges

In C# I have:

public struct IndxLanguages
    public System.Collections.Generic.List<string> IndxLanguage;
    public struct IndxTranslation
        public int Language;
        public string Name;
        public System.Collections.Generic.List<string> Translations;

private static Translator.IndxLanguages FillTranslator;
TempTrans[j] = ((Translator.IndxLanguages.IndxTranslation)FillTranslator.IndxLanguage[j]).Translations[Row.TypeName.Trim];  //Error here

I get the error: Cannot convert type string to Translator.IndxLanguages.IndxTranslation

I don't understand what is going on in the code directly following the conversion (In VB): .Translations.Item(Row.Name.Trim).

Could someone help me to understand the CType code from VB, especially concerning the dot notation that follows?


  • You have translated this:

    Public IndxLanguage As Collection


    public System.Collections.Generic.List<string> IndxLanguage;

    That's wrong, because IndxLanguage seems to hold elements of type IndxTranslation, rather than elements of type String.

    You have two ways to fix that: Either translate the line literally using the exact same (legacy) type:

    public Microsoft.VisualBasic.Collection IndxLanguage;

    or (preferred) specify the correct item type:

    public System.Collections.Generic.List<Translator.IndxLanguages.IndxTranslation> IndxLanguage;

    That way, you won't even need the cast.

    Note: A few usings would greatly increase the readability of your code. For example, the previous line could be reduced to:

    public List<IndxTranslation> IndxLanguage;

    Note 2: Row.TypeName.Trim is an invocation of String.Trim. In C#, method invocations require parenthesis, so it should read:
