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Implementing a simple singly linked list with smart pointers

Hi I'm trying to implement a simple singly linked list using smart pointers, here is what I have so far, I opted with using C++'s shared_ptr but I read that a unique_ptr would be more appropriate for this case but, I don't really know how you would iterate over the list (i.e currentNode = currentNode->next) to get to the end of the list in order to insert an element using a unique_ptr. Here is the code I have so far:

template <typename T>
class LinkedList;

template <typename T>
class ListNode
    ListNode() : _data(T()) {}
    explicit ListNode(const T& value) : _data(value) {}

    friend class LinkedList < T > ;
    T _data;
    shared_ptr<ListNode<T>> _next;

template <typename T>
class LinkedList
    void push_back(const T& value)
        if (_root)
            shared_ptr<ListNode<T>> currentNode(_root);

            while (currentNode->_next != nullptr)
                currentNode = currentNode->_next;

            currentNode->_next = make_shared<ListNode<T>>(value);
            // If the list is completely empty,
            // construct a new root (first element)
            _root = make_shared<ListNode<T>>(value);

    void print() const
        shared_ptr<ListNode<T>> currentNode(_root);

        while (currentNode != nullptr)
            cout << currentNode->_data << " ";
            currentNode = currentNode->_next;

        cout << endl;
    shared_ptr<ListNode<T>> _root;

If using unique_ptrs are the better way to go for this program, could you illustrate how I would get past the iterating problem? Since unique_ptrs can't be assigned, how would I do the code block:

shared_ptr<ListNode<T>> currentNode(_root);

while (currentNode->_next != nullptr)
    currentNode = currentNode->_next;

currentNode->_next = make_shared<ListNode<T>>(value);

using unique_ptrs instead of shared_ptrs? Thanks!


  • Your loop with std::unique_ptr may look like:

    // Iteration doesn't own resource, so no unique_ptr here.
    ListNode<T>* currentNode(_root.get());
    while (currentNode->_next != nullptr)
        currentNode = currentNode->_next.get();
    currentNode->_next = make_unique<ListNode<T>>(value);