This question is related to Breaking parent loop in tcl , but I am not able to implement the answer to my current code.
I have a proc written in VBA for Excel which uses "Exit do":
Do While i < numofentries
Debug.Print "------------------"
Debug.Print "j = " & j
Debug.Print "length | Element i"
path_beg = i
path_end = i
Length = 0
length_l = 0
length_u = 0
blnAngle = True
Do While Length < minlength
If (angles(i) < limitangle Or path_beg = i) Then
Length = Length + ElemEdgeLengths(i)
Debug.Print Length & " | " & i
path_end = i
i = i + 1
If i = numofentries Then Exit Do
Debug.Print "Angle change..."
If path_end = path_beg Then
path(j - 1) = path_end
blnAngle = False
Debug.Print "1 Elm only: included to predecessor path:"
Debug.Print "path_end of path j = " & j - 1 & " changed to " & path_end
path(j) = path_end
j = j + 1
blnAngle = False
Debug.Print path_end - path_beg + 1 & " Elms: own path with length " & Length
End If
Exit Do
End If
If blnAngle = True Then
length_l = Abs(Length - ElemEdgeLengths(path_end - 1) - minlength)
length_u = Abs(Length - minlength)
If length_l <= length_u Then
i = path_end
path(j) = path_end - 1
j = j + 1
Debug.Print "last Elm set to " & path_end - 1
path(j) = path_end
j = j + 1
Debug.Print "last Elm is " & path_end
End If
End If
I have "translated" the sub to tcl like this, but I am not able to simulate the behaviour of ExitDo correctly. How can I recode the VBA Sub in Tcl correctly ? :
proc magictrap {code body} {
if {$code <= 4} {error "bad magic code"}; # Lower values reserved for Tcl
if {[catch {uplevel 1 $body} msg opt] == $code} return
return -options $opt $msg
proc magicthrow code {return -code $code "doesn't matter what this is"}
proc pathfinder {ElemEdgeLengths minlength LimitAngle angles} {
set j 0
set i 0
set numofentries [llength $ElemEdgeLengths]
while { $i < $numofentries } {
set path_beg $i
set path_end $i
set length 0
set length_l 0
set length_u 0
set blnAngle 1
while { ( $length < $minlength ) } {
if { ( [lindex $angles $i] < $LimitAngle ) || ( $path_beg == $i ) } {
set length [ expr { $length + [lindex $ElemEdgeLengths $i] } ]
set path_end $i
incr i
if { $i == $numofentries } { magicthrow 5 }
} else {
if { $path_end == $path_beg } {
set k [expr { $j - 1 }]
set path($k) $path_end
set blnAngle 0
} else {
set path($j) $path_end
incr j
set blnAngle 0
set length inf
if { $blnAngle == 1 } {
set length_l [ expr { abs( $length - [lindex $ElemEdgeLengths [expr {$path_end - 1} ] ] - $minlength ) } ]
set length_u [ expr { abs( $length - $minlength ) } ]
if { $length_l <= $length_u } {
set i $path_end
set path($j) [expr {$path_end - 1}]
incr j
} else {
set path($j) $path_end
incr j
return $path
"break" exits the innermost loop.
you could set a boolean variable at the "exit do" location:
set blnBreak 1
just outside the loop you will have to test it:
if { $blnBreak == 1 } {