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WxWidgets custom events

I'm trying to use a custom event in my WxWidgets C++ application, like described here.

In the constructor of my wxApp:

Connect(wxID_ANY, wxCommandEventHandler(APP::OnMyEvent));

Then the function that should catch the event:

void APP::OnMyEvent(wxCommandEvent& event)
    exit(0); //testing

Finally, to test it:

wxCommandEvent MyEvent(wxEVT_COMMAND_BUTTON_CLICKED); 
wxPostEvent(this, MyEvent);

I launch the thing...but it seems that the event is not posted or not caught.

Does someone understand this behaviour ?


  • You appear to be using the following overload of Connect:

    void Connect(wxEventType eventType, wxObjectEventFunction function, 
        wxObject* userData = NULL, wxEvtHandler* eventSink = NULL)

    If so, then should an event of type wxID_ANY happen (never?), then the connected function will be called.

    Perhaps you need:

    Connect(wxEVT_COMMAND_BUTTON_CLICKED, wxCommandEventHandler(APP::OnMyEvent));