Well, I'm writing to make a dice game. I tried searching dice game here but none of it seems to answer my question. This isn't a problem about the dice roll thing anyway. It's about the do while loop. I am very new to this site, I just found out about this via Maximum PC Magazine so please bear with me. Also I am new to programming.
Here is my code:
#include <iostream>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <ctime>
using namespace std;
int main(){
int userRoll = rand() % 6 + 1 ;
int computerRoll = rand() % 6 + 1 ;
string yesOrNoChoice;
string commandToThrowDie;
cout << "Please enter \"throw\" (lowercase) to roll the die: ";
cin >> commandToThrowDie;
} while(commandToThrowDie != "throw");
cout << "You rolled: " << userRoll << endl
<< "The Computer rolled: " << computerRoll << endl;
if (userRoll < computerRoll){
cout << "You lose. Try again? [Yes/No]: ";
if (computerRoll < userRoll){
cout << "You win! Try again? [Yes/No]: ";
if (computerRoll == userRoll) {
cout << "It's a draw. Try again? [Yes/No]: ";
cin >> yesOrNoChoice;
} while(yesOrNoChoice != "Yes");
system ("pause");
return 0;
The problem is that after asking the user to enter a choice at the end of the do-while-loop the program exits loop no matter what I enter, instead of looping back to another throw of the die.
It ends up like this:
I copied your code and it compiled and ran perfectly. Doesn't make sense exactly, but no issues. I say it doesn't make sense since when "Yes" is entered that is what kills it. I believe what you want it while(yesOrNoChoice == "Yes")
. Perhaps having it as !=
was making you think you were getting the wrong behavior? Also, you should be using if, else if, else
statements, not just if